[R-sig-Geo] Poisson regression spatial residual plot
Virgilio Gómez-Rubio
virgilio.gomez at uclm.es
Tue Jan 8 20:42:05 CET 2013
Dear Milan,
El mar, 08-01-2013 a las 06:48 -0800, Milan Sharma escribió:
> Dear list,
> I wanted to plot residuals from poisson regression model (like the figure 10.5 of Applied spatial data analysis with R, Bivand et. al.).
> My data has response,Tcrash, and the covariates,
> 100MVMT, Alcohol PVMT Alignment
> and longitude and latitude.
> I used their code, but what "TCE" represents in my case, I am unable to figure out.
TCE refers to a number of sites and they are just another layer on the
plot but has nothing to do on the GLM.
> I will paste a small portion of data and code here, if that helps.
> Please, help me, if possible.
> wi<-map("county", "wisconsin", fill=TRUE, plot=FALSE)
> county.names<-as.character(wi$names)
> wi.sp<-map2SpatialPolygons(wi, IDs=county.names, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
> WI_queen<-poly2nb(wi.sp, queen=TRUE)
> WI_queenb<-nb2listw(WI_queen, style="B")
> summary(WI_queenb)
> WI_queenw<-nb2listw(WI_queen, style="W")
> County population Tcrash 100MVMT Alcohol PVMT Alignment Longitude Latitude
> adams 18643 225 225.6 0.093333 0.288889 0.155556 -89.792 43.95184
> ashland 16866 187 174.3 0.058824 0.368984 0.235294 -90.7791 46.46137
> barron 44963 379 495.5 0.055409 0.358839 0.248021 -91.821 45.43696
The R code in lat2.R (available from www.asdar-book.org) that need to
look at are:
#Fit GLM
nyGLMp <- glm(Cases~PEXPOSURE+PCTAGE65P+PCTOWNHOME+offset(log(POP8)),
data=NY8, family="poisson")
#Get residuals
NY8$lmpresid <- residuals(nyGLMp, type="deviance")
#Display residuals; REMOVE sp.layout=list(TCEpts)
spplot(NY8, "lmpresid", sp.layout=list(TCEpts),
col.regions=grey.colors(9, 0.95, 0.55, 2.2), at=seq(-3,5,length.out=9))
You will need to change the names of the variables in the model but you
should be able to plot the residuals by customizing these tree lines of
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