[R-sig-Geo] spatial regression for binary/dichotomous depend variable

Andrew Finley finleya at msu.edu
Thu Feb 7 00:32:21 CET 2013

Hi Tanja,
Also, check out the spGLM function in the spBayes package as well as  
functions in the geoRglm package.

Quoting Juan Tomas Sayago Gomez <juantomas.sayago at gmail.com>:

> there is also in the package McSpatial the possibility to run
spatial logit
> and probit models. But you should check the literature in there.
> Juan
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Milan Sharma  
> <milansharma2012 at yahoo.com>wrote:
>> Looks like you want autologistic regression.
>> Just google "autologistic modelling in R" and you will get
archieves of
>> previous sessions.
>> Best,
>> Mitra Devkota
>> ________________________________
>>   From: Tanja Zinßer <tanja.zinsser at googlemail.com>
>> To: r-sig-geo at r-project.org
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 5:53 AM
>> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] spatial regression for binary/dichotomous
>> variable
>> Hey everyone,
>> I'm new in the field of spatial autocorrelation et spatial
regression. I'm
>> searching for a method to run a spatial regression with depend
>> binary/dichotomous variables.
>> Does anyone know, if there is a function in R to do so? I only
found the
>> morantest for lm regression. I wanted to a logit regression, and
use the
>> residuals for the morantest, but I'm not sure, if this will lead me
to the
>> right solution.
>> Thanks for your help
>> Tanja
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> --
> Juan Tomás Sayago Gómez
> Graduate Research Assistant
> West Virginia University - RRI
> 886 Chestnut Ridge Road, Room 520
> P.O. Box 6825
> Morgantown, WV 26506-6825
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