[R-sig-Geo] Problems with getting less than 100% home range area by CharHull{adehabitatHR}

Simon Wohlfahrt simonwohlfahrt at posteo.de
Tue Dec 10 20:48:16 CET 2013


I want to construct home ranges by the CharHull-function in 
adehabitatHR (CharHull {adehabitatHR} - Estimation of the Home Range by 
Delaunay Triangulation method).

The Description says that I could "select a given percentage of the 
smallest triangles (measured by their area) as the home-range 
Now I want to select an home range with an area less than 100% of the 
total CharHull-Area, and finally plotting the contour or converting to a 
But the command "getverticeshr()" doesn't result in 95 % homerange 
area, it only shows a single small polygon which is a part of the outer 
polygons of the total home range.

So is there any argument like the "percent= ...." - command in the 
mcp()-function? The argument "percent=..." in plot() also result in 
these same single polygons.

I hope, you can help me.

For your information: I have a SpatialPointsDataFrame with one animal 
but more than 6000 points which I have transformed to CharHull - 
Polygons, a successfully but after this the unsolved problem have begun.

Thank you!


simonwohlfahrt at posteo.de

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