[R-sig-Geo] [SpatiaLite-Users] Re: Load spatialite extension in RSQLite crashes R (OS X 10.8)

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Mon Aug 12 08:04:28 CEST 2013


I wanted to report that I've found another workaround. If you create a
view in spatialite (pick your interface), that view can then be
registered as spatial and loaded via rgdal readOGR:

1. CREATE VIEW with a geometry column
2. INSERT a record into views_geometry_columns for that view
Looks like:
INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns
    (view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column)
  VALUES ('italy', 'geometry', 'ROWID', 'local_councils', 'geometry');

f_table_name is the table referenced in the view from which the geometry
actually derives from.
3. Open R
4. Load rgdal
5. test <- readOGR("somedata.db","italy",verbose=TRUE,disambiguateFIDs=TRUE)

verbose isn't required, disambiguiateFIDs is if you don't have a unique
ID column in your view.

Hints from:

Note, such views can also be loaded in QGIS > 1.8 (so master version
soon to be 2.0), this should work with spatialite 3+

Not as clean as just executing the sql in R, but I usually prep my
queries first anyways and store them in code, so making views is just as
cheap and easy.


On 08/10/2013 03:33 PM, Peter Schmiedeskamp wrote:
> I never was quite able to figure out how to get even version 3 of the 
> libspatialite package to load in R on OS X with the CRAN version of 
> RSQLite. So, my short-term solution was to create a package, 
> RSQLite.spatialite, that builds and loads its own amalgamated build of 
> spatialite.
> https://github.com/pschmied/RSQLite.spatialite
> This is kind of a short-term hacky solution until someone (probably not me) 
> comes up with a more robust way of loading libspatialite4.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> On Saturday, August 10, 2013 12:29:00 PM UTC-7, Peter Schmiedeskamp wrote:
>> Dear list, 
>> I've spent the past few days trying to track down an issue whereby I'm 
>> unable to load the latest version of libspatialite (4.1.1) as an 
>> extension in various environments (RSQLite, Clojure/Xerial-JDBC on 
>> Ubuntu 13.04 and OS X 10.8). Using libspatialite 3.x, it would appear 
>> things mostly work. 
>> I'm forwarding this email history along in case anyone might know what 
>> sort of differences in libspatialite 4 might be causing this, or in 
>> case some future intrepid explorer finds their way to the same 
>> problem. 
>> Cheers, 
>> Peter 
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
>> From: Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> 
>> Date: Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 12:06 PM 
>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Load spatialite extension in RSQLite crashes 
>> R (OS X 10.8) 
>> To: Peter Schmiedeskamp <peter at thoughtspot.net> 
>> Cc: r-sig-geo at r-project.org 
>> Yes, thats a good place to ask, though you may once again be talking to 
>> me. I did find this old thread I had forgot about, which has some more 
>> ideas. 
>> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-db/2010q1/000784.html 
>> Thanks, 
>> Alex 
>> On 08/10/2013 12:02 PM, Peter Schmiedeskamp wrote: 
>>> Thanks Alex, 
>>> I'm in the thick of working with this now, and literally just 
>>> discovered that libspatialite.so.3 loads in Ubuntu and OS X (however, 
>>> queries exercising spatial functions still cause R to segfault on OS 
>>> X, but I'll take this as forward progress). 
>>> If you don't mind, I'll forward this thread on to the spatialite users 
>>> group. I've seen a few postings focussed on other languages that talk 
>>> about extension loading problems with the new libspatialite. 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> Peter 
>>> On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Alex Mandel 
>>> <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> wrote: 
>>>> That's entirely possible Spatialite 4 had some changes to the db 
>>>> structure when compared to Spatialite 3. I don't think RSQLite or 
>>>> Pyspatialite have caught up yet, and SQLiteMap (R package) appears 
>>>> orphaned. So I would try to roll back to spatialite 3 and see if you 
>> can 
>>>> get that working with SQLiteMap. That also appears to mean R below 
>>>> version 3. 
>>>> So in Raring (13.04) that means use it from the main ubuntu repos. 
>>>> On Mac http://www.kyngchaos.com/software:frameworks  Spatialite Tools 
>> v3.0 
>>>> Possible workaround, create a view and then use rgdal (with gdal 1.10) 
>>>> to import that view. 
>>>> I tested on ubuntu 12.04 and those instructions (which I wrote) don't 
>>>> appear to work anymore, at least not with R 3.0+spatialite3. I 
>>>> originally figured that out back in 2008-2009 though so a lot has 
>>>> changed since then. I'm going to go back to OSGeoLive 6.5 and see if 
>>>> they work (that should have R 2.15 with spatialite3) 
>>>> Thanks, 
>>>> Alex 
>>>> On 08/09/2013 01:57 PM, Peter Schmiedeskamp wrote: 
>>>>> I fired up an Ubuntu VM and found that loading the spatialite 
>>>>> extension also seems to crash there. My test Ubuntu setup is v13.04 
>>>>> (x86_64). I installed libspatialite5 from the Ubuntu FOSS GIS 
>>>>> packages: (
>> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/quantum-gis/wiki/Download#262-With-updated-dependencies). 
>>>>> R was installed from the CRAN Ubuntu package site. 
>>>>> I am starting to wonder if this isn't an incompatibility between 
>>>>> RSQLite and the latest versions of libspatialite. If anyone has any 
>>>>> experience using the new libspatialite with RSQLite, I'd love to hear 
>>>>> how you got it working. 
>>>>> Cheers, 
>>>>> Peter 
>>>>> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Peter Schmiedeskamp 
>>>>> <peter at thoughtspot.net> wrote: 
>>>>>> I am running some queries against a spatialite database, and would 
>>>>>> like to get the data directly into R.This thread 
>>>>>> (
>> http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/Re-spatialite-from-R-td7583603.html) 
>>>>>> suggests I can do something like this: 
>>>>>> library(RSQLite) 
>>>>>> sqldrv <- dbDriver("SQLite") 
>>>>>> con <- dbConnect(sqldrv, dbname = 
>>>>>> "/path/to/db.sqlite",loadable.extensions = TRUE) 
>>>>>> spatialitestatus <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT 
>>>>>> load_extension('libspatialite.dylib')") 
>>>>>> But when I do, R segfaults with the following: 
>>>>>>  *** caught segfault *** 
>>>>>> address 0x0, cause 'memory not mapped' 
>>>>>> Traceback: 
>>>>>>  1: .Call("RS_SQLite_fetch", rsId, nrec = n, PACKAGE = 
>> .SQLitePkgName) 
>>>>>>  2: sqliteFetch(rs, n = -1, ...) 
>>>>>>  3: sqliteQuickSQL(conn, statement, ...) 
>>>>>>  4: dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT 
>>>>>> load_extension('/usr/local/lib/libspatialite.dylib')") 
>>>>>>  5: dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT 
>>>>>> load_extension('/usr/local/lib/libspatialite.dylib')") 
>>>>>> In my case, spatialite was built from source using Homebrew, as is 
>> the 
>>>>>> version of sqlite that I would normally use. In the libspatialite 
>>>>>> homebrew definition, it says it depends on sqlite > 3.7.3. My 
>>>>>> homebrewed version of sqlite is 3.7.17. My libspatialite is 
>>>>>> libspatialite-4.1.1. 
>>>>>> I don't know for certain what version of sqlite RSQLite pulls in by 
>>>>>> default, but I assume it's the version 3.7.17 version included in the 
>>>>>> RSQLite source package. I tried building RSQLite from source 
>>>>>> usinginstall.packages(c("RSQLite"), type="source") in hopes that it 
>>>>>> would simply use my version of sqlite, but it doesn't look like it 
>>>>>> did. Or if it did, it's still crashing. 
>>>>>> Finally, I should mention that I tried this under two versions of R 
>>>>>> with same results: 
>>>>>> R 3.0.0 downloaded in binary form from CRAN 
>>>>>> R 3.0.1 downloaded in source form and installed via homebrew 
>>>>>> Cheers, 
>>>>>> Peter 
>>>>>> P.S. I also posted this to stackoverflow a couple days ago, if anyone 
>>>>>> is hankering for some karma: 
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18107336/load-spatialite-extension-in-rsqlite-crashes-r-os-x 
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