[R-sig-Geo] Error in plotKML
MacQueen, Don
macqueen1 at llnl.gov
Wed Aug 7 21:57:29 CEST 2013
Apparently, because you don't have gnome-open installed on your system.
Why it wants gnome-open is a mystery.
But this is probably how it is trying to run GoogleEarth.
The equivalent command in OS X is simply 'open'
But, if you open a Finder window to your working directory [type
in your R session] and look for a file named
and double-click on it, it should open in GoogleEarth.
Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
On 8/2/13 4:09 PM, "Manuel Spínola" <mspinola10 at gmail.com> wrote:
>Dear list members,
>Working on X OS mountain lion and R 3.0.1
>I am running the example from the plotKML tutorial (
>http://gsif.isric.org/doku.php?id=wiki:tutorial_plotkml) and I get this
>> data(eberg)
>> coordinates(eberg) <- ~X+Y
>> proj4string(eberg) <- CRS("+init=epsg:31467")
>> eberg <- eberg[runif(nrow(eberg))<.2,]
>> bubble(eberg["CLYMHT_A"])
>> plotKML(eberg["CLYMHT_A"])
>Plotting the first variable on the list
>KML file opened for writing...
>Reprojecting to +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 ...
>Parsing to KML...
>Closing eberg__CLYMHT_A__.kml
>sh: gnome-open: command not found
>Why I get this error?
>*Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.*
>Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
>Universidad Nacional
>Apartado 1350-3000
>mspinola at una.ac.cr
>mspinola10 at gmail.com
>Teléfono: (506) 2277-3598
>Fax: (506) 2237-7036
>Personal website: Lobito de río
>Institutional website: ICOMVIS <http://www.icomvis.una.ac.cr/>
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