[R-sig-Geo] R2Winbugs - problem with workign directory

James Rooney ROONEYJ4 at tcd.ie
Wed Aug 7 00:46:15 CEST 2013

Hi Virgilio,

Many thanks. As it happens today I switched to OpenBugs and don't have this particular problem anymore.

But thanks again,

From: Virgilio Gomez Rubio [Virgilio.Gomez at uclm.es]
Sent: 06 August 2013 17:21
To: James Rooney
Cc: r-sig-geo at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] R2Winbugs - problem with workign directory

Hi James,

Try to use the full path (e.g., /home/james/mycode/...) instead of just

Also, from the manual page:

 If 'useWINE=TRUE' is used, all paths (such as 'working.directory'
     and 'model.file', must be given in native (Unix) style, but
     'bugs.directory' can be given in Windows path style (e.g.
     "c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/") or native (Unix) style (e.g.
     "/path/to/wine/folder/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14").
     This is done to achieve greatest portability with default argument
     value for 'bugs.directory'.

Hope this helps.


El lun, 05-08-2013 a las 07:44 +0100, James Rooney escribió:
> Hi all,
> Having a problem with the R2Winbugs working.directory option.
> My call to winbugs looks like this:
> MCMCres<-bugs(debug=T,data=d,inits=inits,parameters.to.save=c("theta","alpha","tau","precv"),
>               n.chains=2,n.iter=2000,n.burnin=500,n.thin=10,
>               model.file="ALS_spatial_CAR.txt", program="WinBUGS", WINE=WINE, WINEPATH=WINEPATH,useWINE=T,
>               working.directory=".",codaPkg=F)
> If I remove the working.directory option this all works fine.
> If I leave it in - winbugs opens but doesn't load any model and doesn't do anything. It IS finding the model specification file because if it doens't R2winbugs gives an error.
> I'm totally at a loss as to what is going on. Any ideas ?
> This same line of code runs fine by the way if I open a Windows virtual machine and run R directly under winbugs - the problem there is the VM has limited memory and process allocation.
> I hope someone can help! Many thanks,
> James
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