[R-sig-Geo] projection of South American Datum 1969 data
Maren Huck
M.Huck at derby.ac.uk
Fri Aug 2 16:46:01 CEST 2013
Dear List-members,
While trying to get to grips with spatial analysis I got seriously stuck when trying to use my own data that are, unfortunately not collected in a standard system.
I am working with data that have been collected in UTM based on the South American Datum 1969 (in Northern Argentina, UTM zone 21J South). (EPSG-code:4618; the ellps name in R seems to be "aust_SA", not SAD69) I would like to plot these on a satellite map from Google. However, the data seem to be slightly shifted. I have found +towgs84 values for SAD69 (-62, -1, -37), but I when I included these in the code nothing seems to change. (see example code below).
In the example code I provide the map from Google, and a transect line where it SHOULD (approximately) be, based on some manual alteration of the Longitude-Latitude values I get from transformation. (Printed on the map in green). I also provide the raw data, which, when converted using the suggested +towgs84 results in the blue line. If I grossly change to +towgs84 values (multiply by 1000) the transect is plotted at exactly the same location (red line), which suggests to me that this information is not really read.
I also found that
> CRS("+init=espg:4618")
produces the following error
Error in CRS("+init=espg:4618") : no system list, errno: 2
And I find that excluding the argument +ellps=aust_SA and +init=epsg:4618 completely also leads to exactly the same result, i.e., the information that this should be the South American Datum does not seem to be read by R.
I also tried to set the major and minor radius directly with +a=6378160 +b=6356775, but this did also not work.
Is there anything I misunderstood, or anything else I can do to get the little shift 'fixed'? I tried to find answers in the internet, but did not find anything (that I understood; and many of kind-of-similar queries I found did not relate to R).
####### My codes ##############
# I am working on a PC, MS Windows 7 Enterprise; R vs. 2.15.2 # The raw data #Longitude (West):
y<-c(381776.3, 381823.5, 381874, 381920.5, 381967, 382021, 382075, 382120.5, 382166, 382215, 382257, 382363) #Latitude (South):
x<-c(7127544, 7127555, 7127565, 7127572, 7127579, 7127588, 7127597, 7127607, 7127617, 7127634, 7127638, 7127651)
# manually corrected longitude latitude values:
west<-c(-58.1815, -58.181, -58.1805, -58.1801, -58.1796, -58.1791, -58.1785, -58.1781, -58.1776, -58.1771, -58.1767, -58.1756) south<-c(-25.9664, -25.9663, -25.9662, -25.9662, -25.9661, -25.966, -25.9659, -25.9659, -25.9658, -25.9656, -25.9656, -25.9655) # The map
bb <- qbbox(c(-25.984194,-25.961097),c(-58.193481,-58.168056)) #, TYPE = "all", margin = list(m=c(1,1,1,1), TYPE = c("perc", "abs")[1]))
Guayc <- GetMap.bbox(bb$lonR, bb$latR,destfile = "Guaycolec.png", maptype = "satellite", zoom=15)
# Where the transect line should be:
tmp <- PlotOnStaticMap(Guayc, lat = south , lon = west, FUN=lines, col="green", lwd=2)
# What happens if I use the original UTM data
sps1 <- SpatialPoints(cbind(y, x), proj4string = CRS(paste("+proj=utm +zone=21J +init=epsg:4618 +south +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=-61,-1,-37,0,0,0,0"))) GridTrans<-as.data.frame(spTransform(sps1, CRS("+proj=longlat"))) mygrid <- cbind.data.frame(lat = GridTrans[,"x"], lon=GridTrans[,"y"]) tmp <- PlotOnStaticMap(Guayc, lat = mygrid[,"lat"], lon = mygrid[,"lon"], FUN=lines, lwd=2, col="blue", add=T)
# and if I change the +towgs84 parameters nothing changes!
sps2 <- SpatialPoints(cbind(y, x), proj4string = CRS(paste("+proj=utm +zone=21J +init=epsg:4618 +south +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=-61000,-1000,-37000,0,0,0,0")))
GridTrans2<-as.data.frame(spTransform(sps2, CRS("+proj=longlat")))
mygrid2 <- cbind.data.frame(lat = GridTrans2[,"x"], lon=GridTrans[,"y"]) tmp <- PlotOnStaticMap(Guayc, lat = mygrid2[,"lat"], lon = mygrid2[,"lon"], FUN=lines, lwd=2, col="red", add=T)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Maren Huck
Dep. of Biological and Forensic Sciences University of Derby Kedleston Road Derby DE22 1GB U.K.
Tel: +44-(0)1332-59 2354
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