[R-sig-Geo] How to perform K-fold cross validation for the spdep spautolm (CAR) and spgwr GWR models

Muhammad Imran imranserver at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 5 15:01:52 CEST 2012

hi people,

My objective is to perform K-fold cross validation for the spdep spautolm (CAR) and spgwr GWR model objects, to evaluate the models predictive performance (using model predictions and sampled data). For this, I have been searching for some functions/packages. Any idea/R-code/tutorial? The R-packages Design and DAAG only take 'lm' object to perform K-fold CV. With krige.cv I can perform the CV for the CAR and GWR residuals, but would that serve the objective?

Thanks in advance!


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