[R-sig-Geo] FANTER analysis with abundance data

Carolina Soto Navarro carolina.soto at ebd.csic.es
Tue Sep 4 12:59:03 CEST 2012

I'd like to implement the FANTER analysis, described in Calenge
& Basille (2008)but I have a problem with the vector of utilization weights...

In the adehabitat examples, the authors use the code

Dp <- count.points(locs, kasc)[litab$index]

to get the named vector of utilization weights (calculated by numbering the
locations of chamois groups in each pixel of the map) but in my case what
I have is an excel file with the number of tracks per grid (not georeferenced)
detected of my specie standardized to 1 so I would like to know how can I
use this dataset to perform this analysis because as I understand this is
already a vector of utilization weights but I dont know how to import it to R.



Carolina Ángela Soto Navarro
PhD student JAE-Pre Fellow
Department of Conservation Biology
Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC)
C/Américo Vespucio s/n
41092 Sevilla Spain
Tel. 0034  954466700
carolina.soto at ebd.csic.es

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