[R-sig-Geo] RSAGA issues
Ludwig Hilger
l.hilger at ku.de
Fri Oct 26 09:44:46 CEST 2012
Dear list,
I am comparatively new to RSAGA and have come across three problems I
have not been able solve by searching on the internet. Your help would
be very much appreciated. This is SAGA 2.0.8 and R 2.15.1.
1. Is there a way to access the header of a *.sgrd without having to
load the whole grid, i.e. not using read.sgrd()$header? I want to
determine the cellsize of a *.sgrd from within r for informational
purposes and I have 1 m grids with 62 km2.....
2. I have tried to call the Grid sum module in the following way:
lib = “grid_calculus”,
module = 8,
param = list(
GRIDS = list(“t_elev_class.sgrd”, “t_asp_class.sgrd”),
RESULT = “t_codes”
I get the following error, i.e. arguments of the function seem to get
mixed up:
“library path: C:Program Files (x86)SAGA-GIS_2.0.8/modules
library name: grid_calculus
module name : Grids Sum
author : O. Conrad (c) 2010
Load grid: t_codes...
error: Grid file could not be opened.
error: input file t_codes
error: empty input list GRIDS
-GRIDS: Grids
Grid list (input)
Grid (output)
error: executing module Grids Sum
Ausführung von Kommando '"C:Program Files
(x86)SAGA-GIS_2.0.8/saga_cmd.exe" grid_calculus 8 -GRIDS
"t_elev_class.sgrd" -RESULT "t_asp_class.sgrd" -GRIDS "t_codes"' ergab
Status 1”
I have also tried c() instead of list() for the GRID-argument, I have
moeved GRID out of the param-list, etc. . In contrast,
rsaga.grid.calculus() works fine. I seem to have the same problem with
other modules as well, probably I do not provide the input grids in the
right way?
a) When I resample a grid, I have to provide USER_YMIN, USER_XMIN,
USER_XMAX and USER_YMAX. Is there a way to automatically calculate these
values from the input DEM header and the cellsize selected for
resampling (as SAGA seems to do in the GUI)?
b) If I want to use a target grid as a model for the new grid, where is
this to be specified? rsaga.get.usage("grid_tools", 0) gives me only the
options GRID_GRID and USER_GRID (which are output arguments according to
get.usage). There are no arguments for the path to the target grid.
thank you,
Dipl. Geogr. Ludwig Hilger
Wiss. MA
Lehrstuhl für Physische Geographie
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Ostenstraße 18
85072 Eichstätt
Tel.: 08421-93-1180
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