[R-sig-Geo] GEOSTAT 2012 Summer School 3-8 September, IfGI, University of Muenster

Tomislav Hengl hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Fri Mar 9 17:16:13 CET 2012

This is the first call for the GEOSTAT 2012 Summer School for PhD 
students and R-sig-geo enthusiasts that will be held this year at the 
Institute for Geoinformatics of the University of Muenster, Germany in 
the period from 3-8(11) September. The topics include:

Roger Bivand: Spatial and spacetime classes in R
Gerard Heuvelink: Spatial aggregation and disaggregation methods
Edzer Pebesma: R as a GIS: overlay/aggregate, rgeos, osmar, networks
Markus Neteler and Markus Metz: GRASS GIS tutorial
Soeren Gebbert: TGRASS (time-GRASS) tutorial
Volker Wichman: SAGA GIS tutorial
Tomislav Hengl: plotKML tutorial
Benedikt Gräler: Spatio-temporal geostatistics

The registrations are now Open:


Important dates:
- Registration deadline: 15th of April
- Published rankings: 1th of May
- Deadline for paying the registration fees: 1th of June (no extensions 
- Final program of the summer school: 1th of July

This summer school is limited to 45 participants.

for all other issues, please feel free to contact us:

T. (Tom) Hengl [http://www.vcard.wur.nl/Views/Profile/View.aspx?id=37263]
B. (Ben) Gräler [http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de/staff/benedikt-graeler]
E. (Edzer) Pebesma [http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de/staff/edzer-pebesma]

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