[R-sig-Geo] subset() for spatialPointsDataFrame

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Tue Mar 6 16:09:28 CET 2012


I just wanted to know how I have to use the 
subset() command for a SpatialPointsDataFrame correctly.

I'd like to get all records of the SpatialPointsDataFrame where the column "value" is > 0. Furthermore I want to select only two columns of that dataframe with these records. The subset command would be:

subset(points.df, value > 0 , select = c(column1, column2))

When I do that I get following error:

Error in subset.SpatialPointsDataFrame(points.df, value > 0, select = c(column1,  : 
  Object 'value' not found

I also tried:
subset(points.df, points.df["value"] > 0 , select = c(column1, column2))

Error in points.df["value"] > 0 : 
  Vergleich (6) ist nur f"ur atomare und Listentypen m"oglich (sorry is in German)...

Best regards,


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