[R-sig-Geo] Distances in shortestPath function (package spatgraphs)

Tuomas Rajala tuomas.rajala at iki.fi
Mon Jun 18 14:12:47 CEST 2012

Dear Julian,

the algorithm finds the shortest paths in a weighted graph with each
edge weight being the Euclidian distance between corresponding node
locations. Weights are constant 1 if 'pp', and hence the node
locations, are not provided. For reference, see e.g.

So, if
1. you give pp, the edges are weighted with Euclidian distances, and
the result is the geographical minimum distance needed to travel along
the graph from i to j,

2. you don't give pp, in which case each edge has weight 1, and the
result is the shortest path in term of edges needed to hop to get from
i to j.

To answer your question: Shortest path in terms of distance is given
by 1., and in term of nodes given by 2.

Sorry for the mix-up in terms: General graph term for the cost of
traveling each edge is 'weight'; I use 'length' in the docs, as it
makes sense in spatial context.

Hope this helps,
Tuomas R

2012/6/18 Julian Burgos <julian at hafro.is>
> Dear list,
> I have a question about the shortestPath function (in the package
> spatgraphs... a very useful package but with very sparse documentation).
>  The function finds the shortest connection between two nodes in a graph.
>  According to the documentation, the usage of the function is
> shortestPath(i, j, g, pp=NULL, dbg=FALSE)
> where i and j are the starting and ending nodes, g is the graph that
> defines de edges, and pp is a point pattern.  If pp is given, "the edges are
> of Euclidian length, otherwise each edge is of length 1.".
> So this is my question:  if I give a point pattern, does the shortesPath
> function finds the shortest path in terms of distances between nodes or in
> terms of number of nodes?  In other words, will the algorithm select a
> shorter path in terms of distance even if it goes through a larger number of
> nodes?  I am asking because my graph  is very dense (has lots of points) in
> some areas, and it is very sparse in others.  I want to make sure that the
> algorithm actually picks the track with the shortest distance and not the
> track with the lowest number of nodes.
> Thanks!
> Julian
> --
> Julian Mariano Burgos, PhD
> Hafrannsóknastofnunin/Marine Research Institute
> Skúlagata 4, 121 Reykjavík, Iceland
> Sími/Telephone : +354-5752037
> Bréfsími/Telefax:  +354-5752001
> Netfang/Email: julian at hafro.is

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