[R-sig-Geo] How to work with big images (>1GB)

Matthias Bösling mboeslin at uni-osnabrueck.de
Tue Jun 5 17:53:18 CEST 2012

Thanks for all replies. It was just my fault. Raster can work with big files, my infos where just wrong (and i dont checked them by my own). So i do not need to tile the files and so for i do not need the multiple 'writeRaster' calls anymore. I am quite new to R and starting right with GUIs and spacial data is not that easy as i see ;).

So thanks again for the replies and best regards,
Am Dienstag, 05. Juni 2012 17:41 CEST, "Robert J. Hijmans" <r.hijmans at gmail.com> schrieb: 
> Matthias,
> The raster package can work with extremely large images. I seems unlikely
> that your cashes of RGui (not normally a response to being out of memory)
> are caused by calls to 'writeRaster'. Please back up your statement by
> providing the offending code and info on the objects you are using. I
> should also say that your use of "multiple call of the function
> 'writeRaster'" suggest a misunderstanding of that function -- but it is
> hard to know as you provide no context.
> Robert
> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Matthias Bösling <mboeslin at uni-osnabrueck.de
> > wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > does anyone knows how to work with big spacial image with a size of more
> > than 1 GB? I tried to tile the image in multiple smaller tiles but the
> > multiple call of the function 'writeRaster' of the package 'raster' leads
> > to crashes of the RGui. How do you solve the problem with big images or
> > are ther no possiblities to work in r with big images yet?
> >
> >
> > Thanks and best regards,
> > Matthias Bösling
> >
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