[R-sig-Geo] How to get coefficients at any position (not only regression points) in spgwr?

Danlin Yu yud at mail.montclair.edu
Tue Jun 5 17:23:01 CEST 2012


Did you check on your fit.points object? It shall be a new set of 
coordinates that you intend to do prediction upon. According to the 
online help manual, the fit.points object shall be "an object containing 
the coordinates of fit points; often an object from package sp; if 
missing, the coordinates given through the data argument object, or the 
coords argument are used."

Hope this helps.

Dr. Danlin Yu

On 6/5/2012 4:29 AM, chenliang wang wrote:
> Dear list,
> does anyone knows how to  get coefficients at any position (not only regression points) in spgwr?
> I tried to provide a prediction object for the parameter "fit.points" of function gwr(),but it complains "new data matrix rows mismatch " because of  (nrow(predx) != nrow(fit.points)) .
> Thanks and best regards,
> Chen-Liang Wang
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Danlin Yu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of GIS and Urban Geography
Department of Earth&  Environmental Studies
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ, 07043
Tel: 973-655-4313
Fax: 973-655-4072
email: yud at mail.montclair.edu
webpage: csam.montclair.edu/~yu

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