[R-sig-Geo] getRgshhsMap minarea argument

r-sig-geo.20.trevva at spamgourmet.com r-sig-geo.20.trevva at spamgourmet.com
Tue Jul 31 13:54:28 CEST 2012


I have been using the getRgshhsMap() function in maptools to read an
external set of GSHHS coastlines. I am a fan of the function - it
makes the process of extracting coastlines around the meridian so much
simpler. This function is a wrapper to the Rgshhs() function, but
unfortunately, not all of the arguments in Rgshhs() are available in
getRgshhsMap(). e.g.

     Rgshhs(fn, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, level = 4, minarea = 0,
shift = FALSE,
     verbose = TRUE, no.clip = FALSE, properly=FALSE, avoidGEOS=FALSE,

     getRgshhsMap(fn = system.file("share/gshhs_c.b", package= "maptools"),
      xlim, ylim, level = 1, shift = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, no.clip = FALSE,
      properly=FALSE, avoidGEOS=FALSE, checkPolygons=FALSE)

In particular, I am interested in the minarea argument. Could I
request that it be added?

Best wishes,


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