[R-sig-Geo] Point pattern add covariates

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Jul 24 09:00:17 CEST 2012

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 3:53 AM, Adrian.Baddeley at csiro.au
<Adrian.Baddeley at csiro.au> wrote:

> I don't know why Barry Rowlingson is giving you advice about spatstat - he recently said no-one should be using spatstat anyway - maybe it's all part of a disinformation campaign!


 The original post didn't mention spatstat and neither did I!

 And I don't recall saying flat out that no-one should use spatstat.
Everyone doing spatial point pattern analysis should be using
spatstat, and *not* using splancs - I don't think there's anything
(useful) that splancs does that spatstat doesn't do. If there is, then
I suggest sometime we sort out a google summer of code project
sometime to kill off splancs and graft anything useful into spatstat
(hmmm didnt we try that ten years ago? :))

 However I don't like the duplication of spatial data handling and
manipulation between packages such as spatstat and sp. We have some
very nice raster and vector data types now, and if spatstat could use
them (natively without coercion) it would save a lot of unneccessary
duplication. In one of the packages I'm involved in it seems that
we're constantly converting from sp to ppp and back again in order to
get some functionality from a package that only handles one!

 So I might have said 'Don't do X in spatstat', but I certainly didn't
say 'Don't do K, F, or G in spatstat'. I more likely said 'Don't do K
in splancs - do it in spatstat!'


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