[R-sig-Geo] help for spdep

Saman Monfared samanmonfared1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 19:07:06 CET 2012

Dear all.
I try to fit conditional auto regressive models (CAR and  SAR) in package spdep.
Also, I have fitted some other models like GLM, Empirical Bayes and ...

My program to CAR and SAR is:

esar1f1 <- spautolm(IMR.m~ 0+PCFP+Sup+B.F,data =data1,
 listw=nb2listw(nb6, style="W"), family="SAR", method="full", verbose=TRUE)


esar1f2 <- spautolm(IMR.m~ 0+PCFP+Sup+B.F,data =data1,
listw=nb2listw(nb6, style="W"), family="CAR", method="full", verbose=TRUE)

> esar1f1

spautolm(formula = IMR.m ~ 0 + PCFP + Sup + B.F, data = data1,
    listw = nb2listw(nb6, style = "W"), family = "SAR", method = "full",
    verbose = TRUE)

      PCFP        Sup        B.F     lambda
 0.1711382 -0.2262700  0.2414336 -1.7946991

Log likelihood: -56.24405

What is lambda?? I couldn't find a good refrences to understand tese model!!!
How can I predict this model for new data??
How can I cross validate results of CAR and SAR??

Saman Monfared
Msc, Department of Statistics, Shiraz University,
Shiraz 71454, Iran
Email: Samanmonfared1 at gmail.com

Tel: +98 917 5305167

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