[R-sig-Geo] 3D (xyzm) SpatialLines in R

paallen at attglobal.net paallen at attglobal.net
Wed Dec 12 00:35:13 CET 2012

Hi all,

I have 2 questions
1.  Can I create a 3D SpatialLine with distance (m)?  

2. Then can I  take another dataframe with from & to distances along that 3d SpatialLine feature & create a 3D polyline ( w/ m), similar to the ArcGIS "Make Route Event Layer"

I want to calculate 3D polylines using the minimum curvature algorithm to represent curved bore-holes (directional drilling) and down-hole samples/logging.  I have written this program in PostGIS but would now like to work it up in R.

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