[R-sig-Geo] interacting with plots

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Sat Aug 18 21:43:23 CEST 2012

Frazier, Tyler James wrote:

> I installed QGIS and the optional GRASS 6.4.2 with the GDAL 1.9 framework
> and GSL, and agree this is much simpler than attempting to use R as a
> stand alone GIS.  Very easy to load my data, pan, zoom and identify
> attributes of polygons.
> Regarding integrating QGIS and R, is there a package or plugin I need to
> add.  I noticed some comments on stackexchange regarding manageR, is this
> the best way to go?  FYI, I am running R 2.14.0 on MacOS Lion.

I haven’t used it myself, but yes, I believe mangeR is the best solution.

Karl Ove Hufthammer
E-mail: karl at huftis.org
Jabber: huftis at jabber.no

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