[R-sig-Geo] variogram models in gstat

Saman Monfared samanmonfared1 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 10:25:09 CEST 2012

Dear all,
How can I see mathematical formulation of variogram models in gstat?
Some of them are in gstat manual but there aren't others like


Saman Monfared
Msc, Department of Statistics, Shiraz University,
Shiraz 71454, Iran
Email: Samanmonfared1 at gmail.com

Tel: +98 917 5305167

Saman Monfared
Msc, Department of Statistics, Shiraz University,
Shiraz 71454, Iran
Email: Samanmonfared1 at gmail.com

Tel: +98 917 5305167

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