[R-sig-Geo] Defining neighbors base on same location
Tom Gottfried
tom.gottfried at tum.de
Wed Apr 4 07:53:20 CEST 2012
Am 03.04.2012 17:43, schrieb Roosbeh Nowrouzian:
> Thanks for the hint. I tried the syntax but I am getting error:
> script:
> # reading data
> triplengthfile <- as.data.frame ( read.spss ( file =
> "triplengthfile.sav" ) )
> #Defining projection
> coordinates ( triplengthfile ) <- cbind ( triplengthfile $ longa,
> triplengthfile $ lata )
> coords <- cbind ( triplengthfile $ longa, triplengthfile $ lata )
> proj4string ( triplengthfile ) <- CRS ( "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84" )
> #projecting to Albers conical
> triplengthfile <- spTransform ( triplengthfile , CRS =
> CRS ( "+proj=aea +lat_1=24 +lat_2=31.5 +lat_0=24 +lon_0=-84 +x_0=400000
> +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs" ) )
> #updating coords
> coords <- coordinates( triplengthfile )
> IDs <- rownames ( triplengthfile at data )
> #defining neighbors for Household members
> HHneighbor.knn <- mapply ( function (n,coord) knearneigh ( x=coord, k=n,
> longlat=FALSE, RANN=TRUE), HHNUM, lapply (1:nrow(coords),function(i)
> coords[i,] ))
HHneighbor.knn <- mapply ( function (n,coord) knearneigh ( x=coord, k=n,
longlat=FALSE, RANN=TRUE), HHNUM, lapply(1:nrow(coords),function(i)
coords[i,,drop=FALSE] ))
> which HHNUM is the number of HH members in matrix class (is defined for
> each observation(individual))
> But I am getting error:
> Error:
> Error in knearneigh(x = coord, k = n, longlat = FALSE, RANN = TRUE) :
> Data not in matrix form
The error message is quite unambiguous, but its cause might be
confusing. "[" by default drops the dim-attribute, if a single row is
selected from a matrix. See ?"[" and the above example how to overcome
this (obviously it was, and still is untested).
> Appreciate you could help me solve this error.
> appreciate your help.
> Roosbeh Nowrouzian
> PhD student
> Department of Civil Engineering
> University of Florida
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:35 PM, Tom Gottfried <tom.gottfried at tum.de
> <mailto:tom.gottfried at tum.de>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 29.03.2012 01:08, schrieb Roosbeh Nowrouzian:
> Hi list members:
> Is there any way to define neighbors in R as any other observation
> with distance to the corresponding point equal to 0.
> I am trying to define neighbors base on the same location ( the same
> Household members are linked to each other). I tried defining
> weights base on fixed distance bounds:
> neighbordistance.nb<- dnearneigh ( coords, d1=0, d2=0.00001,
> row.names=IDs
> )
> But this function does not define other Household members
> (distance=0) as
> the neighbor.
> When trying fixed number of neighbors:
> neighbor3.knn<- knearneigh ( x=coords , k=3, longlat= FALSE,
> This function defines other Household members(distance =0) as
> neighbor but
> the problem with this function is that each Household has different
> Household number so different number of neighbors is required
> for each
> Household.
> neighbor3.knn <-
> mapply(function(n, coord) knearneigh(x=coord,
> k=n, longlat=FALSE,RANN=TRUE),
> ns, lapply(1:nrow(coords), function(i) coords[i,]))
> Assuming you have a vector 'ns' with the number of household members
> per household, this should give you a list with each element
> defining the neighbours you desire. I hope I didn't misunderstand
> your question.
> HTH,
> Tom
> It would be kind of you letting me know if there is a way to define
> neighbors base on zero distance with the corresponding point.
> Appreciate it.
> Roosbeh Nowrouzian
> PhD student
> Department of Civil Engineering
> University of Florida
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Technische Universität München
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