[R-sig-Geo] Fwd: Re: Problem creating raster brick (Lyndon Estes)

Lyndon Estes lyndon.estes at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 04:22:32 CET 2011

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the response.  I will continue to keep forcing a write to
disk to prevent this from occurring.

Based on this post, and another earlier in the year, I looked a bit
more into other methods for calculating available RAM, at least for
Linux and Mac systems.  I understand from some of the posts I have
seen that this is a fairly tricky subject, but something like the
following might give available memory (in mb) on a linux system:

system("free -t -m | awk 'FNR == 5 {print $4}'", intern = T)

On a mac, I believe the "alloc" command might do the trick, but for
some reason my system (10.5.8) doesn't have it so I couldn't test
that.  Another way might be to access the summary from top, e.g.

as.numeric(sub("M", "", system("top -l 1 | awk 'FNR == 6 {print
$10}'", intern = T)  # 40M))

But I am not at all sure that that particular number is the right one
to use as an indicator of available memory (looks very conservative).

Anyway, looking into the code for canProcessInMemory, I see that you
already have similar solutions worked in but commented out, so I guess
these solutions might not be desirable.

Cheers, and thanks again, Lyndon

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Robert J. Hijmans <r.hijmans at gmail.com> wrote:
> Lyndon,
> The reason might be that the large rasters trigger raster to processing by
> chunk (writing to disk) whereas the smaller file is considered small enough
> for processing in RAM. That may not be the case, and the OS may start
> swapping memory (using disk as RAM) which is slow. If this happens, you can
> change the option  setOptions("maxmemory=a value") , or to be on the very
> safe side use, as you indicated, todisk=TRUE. I wish I knew if a better way
> to find out how much RAM is available on the different operating systems.
> Robert
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Lyndon Estes <lyndon.estes at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Swen,
>> Thanks for the suggestion. That brings to mind an earlier problem I
>> had with a different functions substituting values on large rasters,
>> and I got around it by writing the following lines into the code:
>>  if(raster:::.toDisk() != TRUE) {
>>     setOptions(todisk = TRUE)
>>     cat("We don't want memory problems--forcing write to disk.\n")
>>  }
>> So I will see if that works in this case.  However, I am still curious
>> why the problem is occurring with my particular grid files, but not
>> with the dummy rasters I made, which are in fact somewhat larger.
>> Also, the combined size of the 9 grids is < 30 mb, which was well
>> below my available memory (~about 500 mb free).
>> In the meantime, I am continuing with stacks and checking whether a
>> forced write or lower memory limits will help.
>> Thanks again,
>> Lyndon
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Swen Meyer <s.meyer at lmu.de> wrote:
>> > Dear Lydon,
>> > I also had some trouble with stacking Layers in the  Raster package. Try
>> > to
>> > use a 32 bit version of R. Sounds weired but in my case the stacking
>> > with
>> > the Raster package was much faster using the Raster Package on a 32 bit
>> > - R
>> > Version. This is what Robert Hijmans once wrote me when I had some
>> > trouble
>> > with the Raster Stacking:
>> > "
>> > Thanks that is very good to know. raster checks if the data can all be
>> > processed in memory, and if so, does that (up to a point), for better
>> > speed.
>> > There is a limit set by maxmemory. See
>> >
>> > showOptions()
>> >
>> > Perhaps setting maxmemory to a lower value
>> >
>> > e.g.,
>> >
>> > setOptions(maxmemory=1e+08)"
>> >
>> > Hope this will help you.
>> > Greetings,
>> > Swen
>> >
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