[R-sig-Geo] Inner edge() sometimes outside using raster package

pgalpern pgalpern at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 18:35:51 CET 2011


Perhaps I am doing something wrong, here, but in the following case the 
edge() function in the raster package appears to find an edge that is 
two cells wide when I don't think it should.

There are three objects on the raster, each is a 9 cell square.  One of 
these squares is one cell away from the border of the raster.  It is on 
this square that the error occurs.

edgeIssue <- raster("~/edgeissue.asc")
findEdge <- edge(edgeIssue, type="inner")

which((findEdge==1 & is.na(edgeIssue))[])
## Gives cell numbers: 12037 12038 12039
## These are outside any of the squares on the raster edgeIssue

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Paul Galpern, PhD Candidate
Natural Resources Institute
70 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2M6

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