[R-sig-Geo] R2 values from SSErr fit.variogram attribute
Sébastien Durand
v8extra at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 18:07:17 CET 2011
Dear Dr. Pebesma,
I appreciate your help very much and I agree with you!
My head is clearer now but I still have some questions.
My first question is if I set fit.variogram to fit.sills=FALSE, fit.ranges=FALSE, to I get computation of SSErr... (I guess so).
That been said lets move forward :
Based on Geostatistic Modeling Spatial uncertainty (Chiles) page 109, in
the weighted least square method, the weight are also squared :
$sum{w^2 * [γ(h_j)-γ(h_j:b)]^2}$
So this agrees with what you have suggested me (and which I have applied). THANK GOD
Now, based on the gstat user's manual page 42 table 4.2 values for fit.
# 1 = $N_j$
# 2 = $N_j/{γ(h_j)}^2$
# 6 = no weights (OLS) Ordinary Least Square
# 7 = $N_j/h_j^2$
I have made this code... that computes the R2 based of the fitted method used.
I have also include an example of the data... and my code.
If you tell me the code is correct, I will move forward, but I still do not comprehend why I cannot obtain similar values.
I must be missing something... any clue...???
I how the thing about comparing results with other software is a risky business but it is statistics, so I would at least be happy with simial result but look what I get... and tell me this is not mind puzzling?
Anyway I hope this code is good:
findR2 <- function(vario, fit, fit.method=c(1,2,6,7)){
# fit = fit.variogram output
# vario = variogram output
if(!is(vario, "gstatVariogram")) stop("Fit must be a gstatVariogram!\n")
if(!is(fit, "variogramModel")) stop("Fit must be a variogramModel!\n")
if(length(fit.method)!=1) stop("One fit.method must be selected!\n")
if(!any(fit.method==c(1,2,6,7))) stop("The selected fit.method is not managed!\n")
# weights : $N_j$
# with $N_j$ the number of point pairs.
SSTot<- sum( (weig* (vario$gamma-mean(vario$gamma)))^2 )
# weights : $N_j/{γ(h_j)}^2$
# with $N_j$ the number of point pairs and $γ(h_j)$ the variance of the group of point-pairs.
SSTot<- sum( (weig * (vario$gamma-mean(vario$gamma)))^2 )
# this method uses no weights
SSTot<- sum((vario$gamma-mean(vario$gamma))^2 )
# The default method used by fit.variogram
# weights : $N_j/h_j^2$
# with $N_j$ the number of point pairs and $h_j$ the distance.
SSTot<- sum( (weig * (vario$gamma-mean(vario$gamma)))^2 )
SSReg <- SSTot-SSErr
R2 <- 1-SSErr/SSTot
cat("\nFind2R values -> SSErr: ", SSErr, " SSReg: ", SSReg, " SSTot: ", SSTot, " R2: ", R2, "\n")
# The variogram used in the other soft.
v.m=vgm(0.311, "Sph", 482, 0.049)
coordinates(dat) = ~x+y
vario=variogram(z~1, dat, width=68.28, cutoff=800);
# The problem I face is that the other software result is
# R2: 0.982 and Residual Sum of Square: 1.65.1E-03
# So for fit.method=7
v.fit=fit.variogram(vario, v.m, fit.sills=FALSE, fit.ranges=FALSE, fit.method=f.m);
r2=findR2(vario, v.fit, f.m)
# So for fit.method=6
v.fit=fit.variogram(vario, v.m, fit.sills=FALSE, fit.ranges=FALSE, fit.method=f.m)
r2=findR2(vario, v.fit, f.m)
v.fit=fit.variogram(vario, v.m, fit.sills=FALSE, fit.ranges=FALSE, fit.method=f.m)
r2=findR2(vario, v.fit, f.m)
v.fit=fit.variogram(vario, v.m, fit.sills=FALSE, fit.ranges=FALSE, fit.method=f.m)
r2=findR2(vario, v.fit, f.m)
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