[R-sig-Geo] -1.#IND00 problem

Tomislav Hengl hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Wed Mar 2 17:33:56 CET 2011

Op 1-3-2011 22:58, Cavazzi, Stefano schreef:
> All,
> I'm having problems extracting some land surface parameters with
> RSAGA. Somehow I get a weird code "-1.#IND00" instead of numbers.
> rsaga.geoprocessor("ta_morphometry",14,list(DEM=paste("Area1.sgrd",sep=""),
> HO=paste("Area1_slopeH.sgrd",sep=""),
> HU=paste("Area1_valleyD.sgrd",sep=""), W=0.5, T=10.0, E=2.0))
> rsaga.sgrd.to.esri(in.sgrds=c(paste("Area1_slopeH.sgrd",sep=""),
> paste("Area1_valleyD.sgrd",sep="")),
> out.grids=c(paste("Area1_slopeH.asc",sep=""),
> paste("Area1_valleyD.asc",sep="")), prec=-6, out.path=getwd())}

#1 I think that you are pasting the text unnecessarily,
#2 You can read the SAGA grids directly to R via a GDAL driver 

 > rsaga.geoprocessor("ta_morphometry",14,list(DEM="Area1.sgrd", 
HO="Area1_slopeH.sgrd", HU="Area1_valleyD.sgrd", W=0.5, T=10.0, E=2.0))
 > Area1_slopeH <- readGDAL("Area1_slopeH.sdat")

The sign "-1.#IND00" probably indicates NA values (NA mask). GDAL should 
be able to recognize those automatically.

T. Hengl

> Any idea?
> Thanks, Stefano
> Stefano Cavazzi PhD Student, National Soil Resources Institute School
> Of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University
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