[R-sig-Geo] converting lat long points to UTM

Mauricio Zambrano hzambran.newsgroups at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 15:35:43 CET 2011

if you want to use Lat/Long data, you may also try the 'project'
function in the 'proj4' package:


     ## this is just very simple, because we don't want to depend on
     ## maps package, so we can't show more useful stuff..


     s <- project(state.center, "+proj=merc", degrees=TRUE)

     plot(s, type='n', asp=1)
     text(s,, state.abb)

(taken from '?project')



Linux user #454569 -- Ubuntu user #17469

2011/3/1 Arnold Salvacion <arnold_salvacion at yahoo.com>:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Good day!
> I have a data points collected using GPS..It was on latitude and longitude coordinate system ..I wonder if there's any function in R where I could convert those GPS data points to UTM (e.g. UTM Zone 51N)?
> Thanks in advance
> Arnold
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