[R-sig-Geo] questions on RasterStack/Brick

lberner at whrc.org lberner at whrc.org
Tue Jul 26 22:21:16 CEST 2011

Dear all, 

Robert suggested that, with a little patience, the following code could be
used to correlate two raster stacks:

 r <- raster(s1)
for (i in 1:ncell(r)) {
    r[i] <- cor(as.vector(cellValues(s1, i)), as.vector(cellValues(s2, i)))

Not having that much patience, my co-worked Pieter Beck and I wrote a
function to correlate two raster stacks of same x, y, and z extents. The
function is considerably faster than the code above: 

stack.correlation <- function(stack1, stack2, cor.method, na.val, na.rm =
  # output template
  cor.map <- raster(stack1)
  # combine stacks
  T12 <- stack(stack1,stack2)
  NAvalue(T12) = na.val
  # the function takes a vector, partitions it in half, then correlates
  # the two sections, returning the correlation coefficient. 
  stack.sequence.cor <- function(myvec,na.rm=T){
    return(cor(myvecT1,myvecT2, method =  cor.method))

  # apply the function above to each cell and write the correlation
  # coefficient to the output template. 
  cor.map <- stackApply(T12, indices = rep(1, length(jul_mckenney)), 
    fun = stack.sequence.cor, na.rm = TRUE)

example call:
my.cor.map <- stack.correlation(tmp.jul, tmp.aug, cor.method = "spearman",
na.val = -9999)

Hope this helps, 

Logan Berner
lberner at whrc.org
The Woods Hole Research Center

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