[R-sig-Geo] Static map with markers -RgoogleMaps

Pierre Roudier pierre.roudier at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 02:41:01 CEST 2011

Hi Angelo,

It seems to be impossible for the function to get the data from
internet. Can you access the web from your machine? Are you behind a


2011/7/25 Angelo Moreno <amorenos1 at ucentral.edu.co>:
> Hi, My name is Angelo. I'm from Bogota, Colombia,I'm trying to generate this
> static map with markers,with  RgoogleMaps Package:
> lat = c(4.667122,4.656577,4.666017)
> lon = c(-74.05354,-74.05762,-74.05635)
> center = c(mean(lat), mean(lon))
> zoom <- min(MaxZoom(range(lat), range(lon)))
> MyMap <- GetMap(center=center, zoom=zoom,markers =
> "color:blue|label:S|4.667122,-74.05354,markers=color:green|label:G|4.656577,-74.05762,markers=color:red|color:red|label:C|4.666017,-74.05635",
> destfile = "MyTile2.png")
>  but the software shows me the next error:
> [1]
> "color:blue|label:S|4.667122,-74.05354,markers=color:green|label:G|4.656577,-74.05762,markers=color:red|color:red|label:C|4.666017,-74.05635"
> [1]
> "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=4.66323866666667,-74.0558366666667&zoom=16&size=640x640&maptype=terrain&format=png32&sensor=truecolor:blue|label:S|4.667122,-74.05354,markers=color:green|label:G|4.656577,-74.05762,markers=color:red|color:red|label:C|4.666017,-74.05635"
> Error en download.file(url, destfile, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE) :
>  no fue posible abrir la URL
> 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=4.66323866666667,-74.0558366666667&zoom=16&size=640x640&maptype=terrain&format=png32&sensor=truecolor:blue|label:S|4.667122,-74.05354,markers=color:green|label:G|4.656577,-74.05762,markers=color:red|color:red|label:C|4.666017,-74.05635'
> Además: Mensajes de aviso perdidos
> In download.file(url, destfile, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE) :
>  no fue posible abrir: el status HTTP fue '403 Forbidden'
> Could somebody help me?.Thanks a lot.
> Angelo Moreno
> Central University,Bogotà, Colombia- South America
> --
> View this message in context: http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/Static-map-with-markers-RgoogleMaps-tp6616705p6616705.html
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