[R-sig-Geo] Exporting spatstat 'pixel image' to Arcview 9.x as an e00 or ascii

M.Stevenson at massey.ac.nz M.Stevenson at massey.ac.nz
Tue Jul 12 12:29:57 CEST 2011

This might be of some use. Here (among other things) we kernel smooth a
point pattern using spatstat then export the raster image as an ASCII grid
ready for loading into a GIS.


Mark Stevenson

library(epiR); library(maptools); library(rgdal); library(shapefiles);
library(sp); library(spatstat); library(spatialkernel);

data(epi.incin); dat <- epi.incin
xlim <- range(dat$xcoord); ylim <- range(dat$ycoord)
sigma <- 1200; dimyx = c(200, 200)

# Create an observation window and two ppp objects:
dat.w <- convexhull.xy(x = dat[,1], y = dat[,2])
cas.ppp <- ppp(x = dat$xcoord[dat$status == 1], y = dat$ycoord[dat$status
== 1], window = dat.w)
ctl.ppp <- ppp(x = dat$xcoord[dat$status == 0], y = dat$ycoord[dat$status
== 0], window = dat.w)
cas.den <- density(cas.ppp, sigma = sigma, dimyx = dimyx)
ctl.den <- density(ctl.ppp, sigma = sigma, dimyx = dimyx)

# Image plot showing the spatial distribution of laryngeal cancer risk:
breaks <- seq(from = 0, to = 0.4, length = 5)
col <- brewer.pal(n = 4, name = "Blues")

par(pty = "s")
plot(xlim, ylim, type = "n", xlab = "Easting (m)", ylab = "Northing (m)",
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
image(x = cas.den$xcol, y = cas.den$yrow, z = (t(cas.den$v) /
t(ctl.den$v)), zlim = c(0, 0.4), col = col, breaks = breaks, add = TRUE)
points(ctl.ppp, pch = 1, col = "grey")
points(cas.ppp, pch = 16)
plot(dat.w, add = TRUE)
metre(xl = xlim[1], yb = ylim[1], xr = xlim[1] + 500, yt = ylim[1] + 5000,
lab = breaks, cols = col, shift = 0, cex = 0.75)

# Add the appropriate risk (really, an odds) estimate to each household
location. Convert the risk estimates to a SpatialGridDataFrame:

risk <- cas.den
risk$v <- (cas.den$v) / (ctl.den$v)
risk.sgdf <- as.SpatialGridDataFrame.im(risk)

# Convert the case locations to a SpatialPoints object:
cas.sp <- SpatialPoints(coords = cbind(cas.ppp$x, cas.ppp$y))

# Do a transect and add the values to the cas.sp table:
tmp.trans <- overlay(risk.sgdf, cas.sp)
cas <- data.frame(x = cas.ppp$x, y = cas.ppp$y, risk = tmp.trans$v)

# Plot the data adding the numeric estimates of risk to check:
par(pty = "s")
plot(xlim, ylim, type = "n", xlab = "Easting (m)", ylab = "Northing (m)",
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
image(x = cas.den$xcol, y = cas.den$yrow, z = (t(cas.den$v) /
t(ctl.den$v)), zlim = c(0, 0.4), col = col, breaks = breaks, add = TRUE)
text(x = cas$x, cas$y, labels = round(cas$risk, digits = 2), cex = 0.50)
plot(dat.w, add = TRUE)
metre(xl = xlim[1], yb = ylim[1], xr = xlim[1] + 500, yt = ylim[1] + 5000,
lab = breaks, cols = col, shift = 0, cex = 0.75)

# As a further check, export all of the R objects you've created into a
format suitable for display in a GIS.

# First of all, export the boundary window created earlier as a shape file
using the shapefiles package:

Id <- rep(1, times = length(dat.w$bdry[[1]]$x))
X <- dat.w$bdry[[1]]$x
Y <- dat.w$bdry[[1]]$y
shpTable <- data.frame(Id, X, Y)
attTable <- data.frame(Id = 1, Name = c("VAR1"))
epiincin <- convert.to.shapefile(shpTable = shpTable, attTable = attTable,
field = "Id", type = 5)
write.shapefile(epiincin, "epiincin", arcgis = TRUE)

# Export the raster image in ESRI's asciigrid format:

xllcorner = epiincin$shp$shp[[1]]$box[1]
yllcorner = epiincin$shp$shp[[1]]$box[2]
cellsize.h <- (epiincin$shp$shp[[1]]$box[3] -
epiincin$shp$shp[[1]]$box[1]) / dimyx[1]
cellsize.v <- (epiincin$shp$shp[[1]]$box[4] -
epiincin$shp$shp[[1]]$box[2]) / dimyx[2]

risk <- t((cas.den$v) / (ctl.den$v))
ncol <- dim(risk)[1]
risk <- (risk[,ncol:1])

grd <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset = c(xllcorner,yllcorner), cellsize =
c(cellsize.h, cellsize.v), cells.dim = dimyx)
crds <- coordinates(grd)
risk.sgdf <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, data = data.frame(z =
writeGDAL(risk.sgdf, "risk_sgdf.asc")

# Export the household data (including the risk estimates):
write.table(cas, "cases.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

# These three objects can now be loaded and queried in a GIS.


> @Rolf
> You mentioned:
> xy <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(raster.xy(as.owin(Im))))
> v <- lookup.im(Im,xy[,1],xy[,2])
> Just for information, can you tell me in which package the functions
> lookup.im and raster.xy can be found?
> Thanks!
> 2011/7/12 Rolf Turner <r.turner at auckland.ac.nz>
>> This is definitely a case of the blind leading the blind, but I thought
>> I'd
>> chip
>> in anyway.
>> Let "Im" be your pixel image.  Do:
>> xy <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(**raster.xy(as.owin(Im))))
>> v <- lookup.im(Im,xy[,1],xy[,2])
>> A <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(points=**xy,data=data.frame(v))
>> B <- as(A,"SpatialGridDataFrame")
>> Then "B" is an object of class "SpatialGridDataFrame" which ***may*** be
>> what
>> you need.  I can't really tell, since I don't understand
>> SpatialGridDataFrames.
>> The foregoing is kludgey, almost surely sub-optimal, and quite possibly
>> wrong .....
>> But there's a chance it will be of some use to you.
>>    cheers,
>>        Rolf Turner
>> On 12/07/11 10:54, Honey-Marie de la Giroday wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I have a pixel image (im) I received as a .RData file.  I need to
>>> export this pixel image from R in a file format that can be imported
>>> into Arcview 9.x (e.g., .e00 or ascii).
>>> Below is some of the code that I have been trying to use.  I have
>>> reviewed the manuals for rgdal, maptools, sp, and spatstat packages
>>> but have been unable to find another approach to converting the pixel
>>> image to an Arcview raster dataset.  Please note that I have also
>>> searched the R-sig-geo archives and was unable to find this covered
>>> elsewhere.
>>> "#load spatst package
>>> library(spatstat)
>>> #load file with model data
>>> load(file="C:/bestmodel2004.**RData")
>>> #Plot best model data for 2004
>>> plot(bestmodel2004)
>>> #Examine attributes of pixel image
>>> attributes(bestmodel2004)
>>> $names
>>>  [1] "v"      "dim"    "xrange" "yrange" "xstep"  "ystep"  "xcol"
>>> "yrow"
>>>  [9] "type"   "units"
>>> $class
>>> [1] "im"
>>> #Load sp package
>>> library(sp)
>>> #Coerce bestmodel2004 (pixel image) to SpatialGridDataFrame
>>> #......how do I do this?......
>>> #Output to Acrview = write.asciigrid(x, fname, attr=1,
>>> na.value=-9999.....
>>> #x=SpatialGridDataFrame
>>> #fname=filename
>>> write.asciigrid"
>>> Thank you for your time, and please let me know if I need to provide
>>> further information.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> H.M.C de la Giroday
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