[R-sig-Geo] convert a PBSmapping grid to shapefile

Armelle ROUYER Armelle.Rouyer at ifremer.fr
Thu Feb 17 09:38:45 CET 2011

Dear all,

I used the PBSmapping package to make a grid with the abundance of 
fishes. Each cell has an allocated value. I want to convert this grid 
into a shapefile in order to export it on ArcGIS.

So I tried the function "PolySet2SpatialPolygons". The grid is correctly 
transformed into polygons but the allocated value is ignored. Then I 
tried the function "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" but it didn't work 
properly (only 13 values are associated with the 50 cells).

I am not sure that I am using the right functions. So if you have any 
idea or suggestion thank you for your help.


Armelle Rouyer

IFREMER - Station de Lorient
Laboratoire Biologie Halieutique
8 rue Francois Toullec
02 97 87 38 23

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