[R-sig-Geo] Problem reading files through rgdal

Julian Zeidler rlist at zeidlers.de
Tue Dec 13 10:55:40 CET 2011

Hi Agustin,

I had a similar problem with updating to a newer gdal Version.  Rgdal 
was still linked to the old one.
The problem disappeared after removing and reinstalling rgdal.

If the above does not solve your issue have a look at your version of 
libtiff and try to update it.


On 13.12.2011 10:46, Agustin Lobo wrote:
> More details: the problem occurs with tif files only, therefore it
> seems that the warning message
> points to the actual problem. Unfortunately, I'm not skilled to go
> beyond this and really do not know what to do.
>> GDALinfo("/media/Iomega_HDD/UAVetal/CALIBRACIONRADIOM/TETRACAM6/FISIOV_UB/ALGERRI/ilerfly/125-6b-111010b.tif")
> Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
>    WARNING ! libtiff version mismatch : You're linking against libtiff
> 3.X but GDAL has been compiled against libtiff>= 4.0.0
>> GDALinfo("/media/Iomega_HDD/UAVetal/CALIBRACIONRADIOM/TETRACAM6/FISIOV_UB/ALGERRI/ilerfly/algerri_goomercator.bmp")
> rows        532
> columns     1093
> bands       3
> origin.x        71725.2
> origin.y        5130101
> res.x       0.5965674
> res.y       0.5965674
> ysign       -1
> oblique.x   0
> oblique.y   0
> driver      BMP
> projection  NA
> file        /media/Iomega_HDD/UAVetal/CALIBRACIONRADIOM/TETRACAM6/FISIOV_UB/ALGERRI/ilerfly/algerri_goomercator.bmp
> apparent band summary:
>    GDType Bmin Bmax     Bmean      Bsd hasNoDataValue NoDataValue
> 1   Byte    0  255 122.93389 57.72138          FALSE           0
> 2   Byte    0  255 117.77019 48.26621          FALSE           0
> 3   Byte    0  255  83.67153 45.79935          FALSE           0
>> GDALinfo("/media/Iomega_HDD/UAVetal/CALIBRACIONRADIOM/TETRACAM6/FISIOV_UB/ALGERRI/ilerfly/125-6b-111010b.tif")
> Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
>    `/media/Iomega_HDD/UAVetal/CALIBRACIONRADIOM/TETRACAM6/FISIOV_UB/ALGERRI/ilerfly/125-6b-111010b.tif'
> not recognised as a supported file format.
> Agus
> 2011/12/13 Agustin Lobo<alobolistas at gmail.com>:
>> Just adding more details: gdalinfo works fine on the same file for
>> which infoGDAL() fails:
>> Also, after reinstalling rgdal from cran, I get a warning:
>>> GDALinfo(paste(datawd,"/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif",sep=""))
>> Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
>>   WARNING ! libtiff version mismatch : You're linking against libtiff
>> 3.X but GDAL has been compiled against libtiff>= 4.0.0
>>> system("gdalinfo /media/Iomega_HDD/MASTER_ICTA2007_2008/ExercisesJEMES/ExerciseFIRESPOT/Data_ExerciseFIRESPOT/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif",intern=T)
>>   [1] "Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF"
>>   [2] "Files: /media/Iomega_HDD/MASTER_ICTA2007_2008/ExercisesJEMES/ExerciseFIRESPOT/Data_ExerciseFIRESPOT/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif"
>>   [3] "       /media/Iomega_HDD/MASTER_ICTA2007_2008/ExercisesJEMES/ExerciseFIRESPOT/Data_ExerciseFIRESPOT/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tfw"
>>   [4] "       /media/Iomega_HDD/MASTER_ICTA2007_2008/ExercisesJEMES/ExerciseFIRESPOT/Data_ExerciseFIRESPOT/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif.aux.xml"
>>   [5] "Size is 2221, 1950"
>>   [6] "Coordinate System is:"
>>   [7] "PROJCS[\"ED50 / UTM zone 31N\","
>>   [8] "    GEOGCS[\"ED50\","
>>   [9] "        DATUM[\"European_Datum_1950\","
>> [10] "            SPHEROID[\"International
>> 1924\",6378388,297.0000000000014,"
>> [11] "                AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7022\"]],"
>> [12] "            AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6230\"]],"
>> [13] "        PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],"
>> [14] "        UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],"
>> [15] "        AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4230\"]],"
>> [16] "    PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],"
>> [17] "    PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",0],"
>> [18] "    PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",3],"
>> [19] "    PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9996],"
>> [20] "    PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000],"
>> [21] "    PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],"
>> [22] "    UNIT[\"metre\",1,"
>> [23] "        AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],"
>> [24] "    AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"23031\"]]"
>> [25] "Origin = (404629.090000000025611,4624285.299999999813735)"
>> [26] "Pixel Size = (10.000000000000000,-10.000000000000000)"
>> [27] "Metadata:"
>> [30] "  TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=2 (pixels/inch)"
>> [31] "  AREA_OR_POINT=Area"
>> [32] "Image Structure Metadata:"
>> [34] "Corner Coordinates:"
>> [35] "Upper Left  (  404629.090, 4624285.300) (  1d51' 9.77\"E,
>> 41d45'50.20\"N)"
>> [36] "Lower Left  (  404629.090, 4604785.300) (  1d51'20.98\"E,
>> 41d35'18.04\"N)"
>> [37] "Upper Right (  426839.090, 4624285.300) (  2d 7'11.49\"E,
>> 41d45'58.68\"N)"
>> [38] "Lower Right (  426839.090, 4604785.300) (  2d 7'20.10\"E,
>> 41d35'26.47\"N)"
>> [39] "Center      (  415734.090, 4614535.300) (  1d59'15.58\"E,
>> 41d40'38.63\"N)"
>> [40] "Band 1 Block=2221x16 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray"
>> [41] "Band 2 Block=2221x16 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Undefined"
>> [42] "Band 3 Block=2221x16 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Undefined"
>> [43] "Band 4 Block=2221x16 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Undefined"
>> Agus
>> 2011/12/13 Agustin Lobo<alobolistas at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi!
>>> I have this problem and think it's related to rgdal (or rather to gdal).
>>> r<- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
>>> r1<- init(r, fun=runif)
>>> r2<- init(r, fun=runif)
>>> r3<- overlay(r1, r2, fun=function(x,y){return(x+y)})
>>>> writeRaster(r3,filename="delme.tif",format="GTiff",overwrite=T,datatype="FLT4S")
>>> Error in .local(.Object, ...) : Unable to create dataset
>>>> sp2003<- brick(paste(datawd,"/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif",sep=""))
>>> Error in .rasterObjectFromFile(x, objecttype = "RasterBrick", ...) :
>>>   Cannot create a RasterLayer object from this file.
>>>> delme = readGDAL(paste(datawd,"/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif",sep=""))
>>> Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
>>> `/media/Iomega_HDD/MASTER_ICTA2007_2008/ExercisesJEMES/ExerciseFIRESPOT/Data_ExerciseFIRESPOT/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif'
>>> not recognised as a supported file format.
>>>> GDALinfo(paste(datawd,"/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif",sep=""))
>>> Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
>>> `/media/Iomega_HDD/MASTER_ICTA2007_2008/ExercisesJEMES/ExerciseFIRESPOT/Data_ExerciseFIRESPOT/SPOTmultispectral/SP2003ATC_atm2.tif'
>>> not recognised as a supported file format.
>>> I can read/write any external file not using rgdal, and save() and
>>> save.image() work fine:
>>>> save.image()
>>>> x = data.frame(var1=1:10,var2=LETTERS[1:10])
>>>> x
>>>    var1 var2
>>> 1     1    A
>>> 2     2    B
>>> 3     3    C
>>> 4     4    D
>>> 5     5    E
>>> 6     6    F
>>> 7     7    G
>>> 8     8    H
>>> 9     9    I
>>> 10   10    J
>>>> write.csv(x,file="x.csv")
>>>> x2<- read.csv("x.csv")
>>>> x2
>>>     X var1 var2
>>> 1   1    1    A
>>> 2   2    2    B
>>> 3   3    3    C
>>> 4   4    4    D
>>> 5   5    5    E
>>> 6   6    6    F
>>> 7   7    7    G
>>> 8   8    8    H
>>> 9   9    9    I
>>> 10 10   10    J
>>> It seems to me a problem with gdal, my version is from
>>> ubuntugis-unstable binaries for ubuntu 10.04
>>> Are you aware of any problem with gdal and/or rgdal?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Agus
>>>> sessionInfo()
>>> R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)
>>> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
>>> locale:
>>>   [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8
>>>   LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
>>>               LC_NAME=C
>>>   [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] rgdal_0.7-5   raster_1.9-55 sp_0.9-89
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] grid_2.14.0     lattice_0.19-30 tools_2.14.0
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