[R-sig-Geo] Error in ContourLines2SLDF(CLrp) : cL too short

Maxime Pauwels Maxime.Pauwels at univ-lille1.fr
Mon Sep 27 18:58:57 CEST 2010

  Thanks Roger,

I finally found the solution. It was indeed in the organization of the 
input file.

Best regards


Le 27/09/2010 17:37, Roger Bivand a écrit :
> On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Maxime Pauwels wrote:
>> If you want to test the input, please find it here:
>> https://bigfile.univ-lille1.fr/get?k=sgVm6qmUdiCddAJlpzh
> image(rangerp)
> image(imgrp)
> suggest that contour() will fail, as it does. Are you sure that the 
> input data are correctly organised?
> Roger
>> Maxime
>> Le 27/09/2010 13:34, Roger Bivand a écrit :
>>> On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Maxime Pauwels wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I have a message error using contourLines and ContourLines2SLDF
>>>> functions (maptools package).
>>>> rangerp<-read.table("NAhalleri.txt", header=T)
>>>> coordinates(rangerp)=~long+lat
>>>> gridded(rangerp)=TRUE
>>>> proj4string(rangerp)<-CRS("+proj=longlat")
>>>> imgrp<-as(rangerp,"SpatialGridDataFrame")
>>>> img1rp<-as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(imgrp["V1"])
>>>> CLrp<-contourLines(img1rp, levels=0.0000878882)
>>>> CLSLrp<-ContourLines2SLDF(CLrp)
>>>> /Error in ContourLines2SLDF(CLrp) : cL too short/
>>>> Could anyone help understant what happens?
>>> The levels= value is outside the range of values in img1rp:
>>> library(maptools)
>>> image(volcano)
>>> summary(c(volcano))
>>> CLrp <- contourLines(volcano, levels=70)
>>> CLSLrp<-ContourLines2SLDF(CLrp)
>>> # error
>>> CLrp <- contourLines(volcano, levels=170)
>>> CLSLrp<-ContourLines2SLDF(CLrp)
>>> plot(CLSLrp, add=TRUE)
>>> # OK
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Roger
>>>> Can the input table be too long (3 columns, but almost 300 000 lines)?
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Maxime
>>>> Maxime Pauwels
>>>> Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-1745-2009
>>>> Laboratoire de G?n?tique et Evolution des Populations V?g?tales
>>>> FRE CNRS 3268
>>>> Universit? de Lille, USTL-Lille1
>>>> http://gepv.univ-lille1.fr
>>>> Tel : +33 3 20 33 62 38
>>>> Fax : +33 3 20 43 69 79
>>>> ?Impose ta chance, serre ton bonheur et va vers ton risque. A te
>>>> regarder, ils s'habitueront.?
>>>> Ren? Char
>>>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Maxime Pauwels
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-1745-2009

Laboratoire de Génétique et Evolution des Populations Végétales
Université de Lille, USTL-Lille1
Tel  : +33 3 20 33 62 38
Fax  : +33 3 20 43 69 79
«Impose ta chance, serre ton bonheur et va vers ton risque. A te regarder, ils s’habitueront.»
René Char

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