[R-sig-Geo] Problem with moran.test (spdep)

Breitbach, Nils breitbach at uni-mainz.de
Tue Sep 7 10:35:16 CEST 2010

Dear Community,

I already performed some successful Moran's I tests using the moran.test function (spdep package) for my data but now I got an error that I do not understand.

For the code:

> moran.temp <- moran.test(birds_spdf at data[, i], birds.nb4.idw.W_lw, zero.policy = TRUE, na.action = na.exclude)

where birds_spdf at data is the data frame with the variables to be tested and birds.nb4.idw.W_lw is a listw object with the weights from an inverse distance matrix and four neighbours for each coordinate. I set na.action to na.exclude because I know that there are some NA values in the data; therefore I also set the zero.policy to TRUE. The code fragment is running in a loop for all variables that I want to be tested. For all other data sets it worked perfectly but now I get the the following error:

Error in subset.listw(listw, subset, zero.policy = zero.policy) : 
  Not yet able to subset general weights lists

When I checked for the value of i it was clear that the error happens for the first time in the presence of NA values in the data, i. e. in the first column that contains NAs. Since I set na.action = na.exclude and it worked for other data sets that contain NAs I am not sure what is the problem here?

Any suggestions?


Nils Breitbach

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