[R-sig-Geo] Step characteristics on raster maps
Tomislav Hengl
hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Tue Oct 5 09:27:32 CEST 2010
Hi Basile,
If you work with large data, then you should definitively consider using
SAGA GIS. Here are some examples:
# download gridded data:
destfile=paste(getwd(), "volcano_maungawhau.zip", sep="/"))
> unzip("volcano_maungawhau.zip")
> volcano <- readGDAL("volcano_maungawhau.asc")
> writeGDAL(volcano, "volcano_dem.sdat", "SAGA")
# create a shape file:
> tmp <-
> trans <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(SpatialLines(tmp),
data.frame(ID=c("1")), match.ID=FALSE)
> writeOGR(trans, "trans.shp", "trans", "ESRI Shapefile")
# overlay shapes over grids:
> rsaga.get.usage("shapes_grid", 1)
SAGA CMD 2.0.4
library path: C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-211~1.1/library/RSAGA/saga_vc/modules
library name: shapes_grid
module name : Get Grid Data for Shapes
Usage: 1 -SHAPES <str> -GRIDS <str> -RESULT <str> [-INTERPOL <num>]
-SHAPES:<str> Shapes
Shapes (input)
-GRIDS:<str> Grids
Grid list (input)
-RESULT:<str> Shapes (Grid Information)
Shapes (output)
-INTERPOL:<num> Interpolation
Available Choices:
[0] Nearest Neighbor
[1] Bilinear Interpolation
[2] Inverse Distance Interpolation
[3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation
> rsaga.geoprocessor("shapes_grid", 1, param=list(SHAPES="trans.shp",
GRIDS="volcano_dem.sgrd", RESULT="trans_ov.shp", INTERPOL=0))
# get's an error message; looks like a bug :(
# convert segments to points:
> rsaga.geoprocessor("shapes_points", 5,
param=list(POINTS="trans_pt.shp", LINES="trans.shp", ADD=TRUE, DIST=20))
# now overlay points and lines:
> trans.pt <- readOGR("trans_pt.shp", "trans_pt")
> ov.trans <- overlay(volcano, trans.pt)
> summary(ov.trans)
Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
min max
coords.x1 2667700 2667700
coords.x2 6478740 6479520
Is projected: NA
proj4string : [NA]
Number of points: 41
Data attributes:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
109.0 134.0 158.0 150.7 166.0 195.0
T. Hengl
Op 30-9-2010 20:57, Mathieu Basille schreef:
> Dear Robert,
> I just understood the interest of 'crosstab' with 'mask', this is pretty
> neat! Thanks for the suggestion.
> However, I can see some potential drawbacks with this approach: as my
> objective is to describe each step (each segment), I should first cut
> each 'SpatialLines' into a list of 'Lines', each 'Lines' being a segment
> (and not the whole trajectory). I apology if I'm totally wrong, I'm not
> that familiar with SpatialLines...
> But then, what about crossing/overlaping segments, i.e. several segments
> that all fall in the same pixel (which usually happens a lot)? With
> linesToRaster, only the last segment would be kept. So that I should run
> independently the approach for each 'Line' (each segment) just to avoid
> these crossings, and that would result in as many new rasters as the
> number of segments (and I'm talking about hundreds of thousands here,
> over large rasters).
> Basically, to rephrase my problem, here is what I want to achieve. Given
> a set of points (say a SpatialPointsDataFrame, or SpatialLinesDataFrame,
> or ltraj), I'd like to be able to compute new variables that give for
> each point summaries or characteristics (e.g. proportion of each type of
> the raster if it is categorical, or mean if is continuous) of the
> segment from that point to the next (or previous, it doesn't matter).
> It seems to be a simple problem in terms of low-level functions
> (segments over raster), but a complex one in terms of data structure (an
> single object with a set of individual trajectories which are themselves
> sets of segments). And I have to admit that I have some troubles going
> from the former to the latter.
> Thanks again for your time,
> Mathieu.
> Le 2010-09-30 11:28, Robert J. Hijmans a écrit :
>> Perhaps you can do something like
>> r is a Raster* object
>> line is a SpatialLines* object
>> library(raster)
>> rr<- linesToRaster(line, r)
>> rm<- mask(r, rr)
>> crosstab(rm, rr)
>> Robert
>> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 5:46 AM, Mathieu Basille
>> <basille at ase-research.org> wrote:
>>> Dear list members,
>>> I'm trying to compute characteristics along steps (i.e. segments between two
>>> points), based on underlying raster maps. The steps originally come from
>>> radiotracking data, converted to ltraj objects (adehabitat). The idea is to
>>> compute (for example) the habitat composition corresponding to each step
>>> instead of each points, as we are interesting in the movement path.
>>> I tried different solutions, as I would like to do it with R. I did not find
>>> any solution using adehabitat (or the development versions adehabitatMA/LS);
>>> 'join' only works for point characteristics, not steps. I also tried using
>>> sp and SpatialLinesDataFrame, but overlay does not seem to work with
>>> SpatialLines(DataFrame) and SpatialPixelsDataFrame:
>>> Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
>>> unable to find an inherited method for function "overlay", for signature
>>> "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", "SpatialLinesDataFrame"
>>> I also investigated packages raster, trip, and rgeos, without success. Maybe
>>> the low level functions of rgeos could be used, but it seems a bit out of my
>>> skills (and time available) at the moment.
>>> Another solution might be to use spgrass6 in conjunction with GRASS, but I'm
>>> not familiar enough with GRASS to judge if it is a viable alternative...
>>> I'd welcome any hints/thoughts on this question.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Mathieu Basille.
>>> --
>>> ~$ whoami
>>> Mathieu Basille, Post-Doc
>>> ~$ locate
>>> Laboratoire d'Écologie Comportementale et de Conservation de la Faune
>>> + Centre d'Étude de la Forêt
>>> Département de Biologie
>>> Université Laval, Québec
>>> ~$ info
>>> http://ase-research.org/basille
>>> ~$ fortune
>>> ``If you can't win by reason, go for volume.''
>>> Calvin, by Bill Watterson.
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