[R-sig-Geo] Pixel reference location?
Robert J. Hijmans
r.hijmans at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 01:48:20 CET 2010
Hi Lyndon,
That clarifies what happens with 'crop' I think; but the different
georeferencing info you get from Arc and ENVI is puzzling. Your
question about georeferencing was clear, but my answer was not.
Another try: raster uses the extreme of the extreme cells for
georeferencing as in:
i.e. (1,1), not (1.5, 1.5)
However, you say that Arc & ENVI put the coordinates half a cell
beyond where raster puts them (and now I understand where your
question came from), this is pretty serious as it suggest that they
are reading something different in the file. Could you send me the
The cropping part:
to.crop <- raster(nrow=9872, ncol=6976, xmn = -283139.2, xmx =
1332896, ymn = -1172417, ymx = 1114495)
crop.img <- raster(nrow=6116, ncol=4200, xmn = -120863.9, xmx =
852092.8, ymn = -497022.6, ymx = 919787.6)
# What happens here:
cropped <- crop(to.crop, crop.img)
# is:
#1) get the intersection of to.crop and crop.img
e = intersectExtent(to.crop, crop.img)
#2) align the intersection with the raster that needs to be cropped
ee = alignExtent(e, to.crop)
cropped <- crop(to.crop, ee)
I suggested to use the extent function but I am now less sure about
that because there seems to be something else going on.
Best, Robert
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Lyndon Estes <lestes at princeton.edu> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Thanks for your response, and I am sorry I did not post the values for
> "to.crop". Please see my responses below interspersed with your text.
>> Lyndon,
>> This is where I see that you use crop
>> to.crop <- raster(out.name)
>> cropped <- crop(to.crop, crop.img, filename = out.name, overwrite = TRUE)
>> You show crop.img and raster(out.name) _after_ this is run (so I do
>> not know what "to.crop" looks like; and that matters;
> Here are to.crop's values:
> to.crop
> class : RasterLayer
> filename MOD13Q1.A2005225.h20v11.mosaic4.NDVI.tif
> nrow : 9872
> ncol : 6976
> ncell : 68867072
> min value : ?
> max value : ?
> projection : +proj=aea +lat_1=-18 +lat_2=-32 +lat_0=-30 +lon_0=24
> +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs
> +nadgrids=@conus, at alaska, at ntv2_0.gsb, at ntv1_can.dat
> xmin : -283139.2
> xmax : 1332896
> ymin : -1172417
> ymax : 1114495
> xres : 231.6564
> yres : 231.6564
> Interestingly, in both ENVI and ArcGIS the coordinate pair for the
> upper left is listed as:
> -283255.040, 1114610.641
> In ArcGIS, I can tell that ArcGIS ascribes these coordinates to the
> upper left corner of the pixel, where the o's below roughly describe
> the outline of a pixel (in the hopes that the formatting makes it
> through clearly):
> xoooooo
> ooooooo
> ooooooo
> where the x is located.
> In ENVI, when I open the image in question, it tells me that the
> Albers coordinate pair -283255.040, 1114610.641 is tied to the image
> coordinates of 1.5, 1.5, which should be the center of the pixel.
> ooooooo
> oooxooo
> ooooooo
> I find what you
>> do confusing because your output is overwriting your input file
>> out.name).
> Yes, I suppose that is bad practice. I was trying to cut down on disk
> storage space, but I probably should write a new file and then use
> file.remove to get rid of the larger image (which is about 1/3 ocean).
It was just confusing to debug, if it all works it might be OK
> Anyway, you are surprised that the extent of the output and
>> crop.img not the same, right? I am guessing that this is as it should
>> be. Crop takes a subset (columns and rows) of an existing raster,
>> given an 'Extent' object you provide (in your case the Extent object
>> is extracted form the RasterLayer). If you provide an Exent that does
>> not match the coordinates of the rows and columns of a RasterLayer, it
>> is adjusted to the nearest rows/columns, as you can not have half
>> cells. So I am assuming that raster(out.name) (after the function) has
>> the same extent as "to.crop", and that it should be, because crop.img
>> is within half a cell.
> I actually made the extent image out of "to.crop", by specifying
> certain pixel coordinates in ENVI, but I now see that after making the
> extent image, ENVI says that its image tie coordinates are 1, 1,
> whereas to.crop's tie coordinates are 1.5, 1.5 (I had assumed that
> they were at 1,1). I suspect that it is this problem that I am seeing
> after cropping with R. However, please see my last question below:
>> That is correct. raster uses the upper left, lower left, upper right,
>> and lower right of the entire structure (the extreme pixels if you
>> like).
> My question on this subject relates to the rough pixels I have
> sketched above and the image tie coordinates (sorry if I was unclear).
> What I was curious to know is whether raster "thinks" that the
> coordinate pair of
> -283139.2, 1114495
> is where the x is here (image coordinate 1,1, in case this doesn't
> display well):
> xoooooo
> ooooooo
> ooooooo
> or here (image coordinate 1.5, 1.5)?
> ooooooo
> oooxooo
> ooooooo
>> Given all this, it also seems that what you really want is something
>> much simpler, rather than crop, just set the Extent to what it should
>> be:
>> extent(to.crop) <- extent(crop.img)
> Thanks, "extent" sounds much better, and I wasn't aware of it.
> Thanks again for your help, and will appreciate any further
> information on this last point of clarification regarding where R
> references pixels (upper left or middle of pixel)?
> Cheers, Lyndon
>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Lyndon Estes <lestes at princeton.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear R-Sig-Geo,
>>> I have a question regarding pixel referencing with the raster package,
>>> from which I am using the crop function to resize MODIS imagery. I
>>> was under the impression that raster refers to the upper left of the
>>> upper left pixel in defining the spatial extent, but I am getting
>>> results that seem to suggest that the center of the pixel is being
>>> used.
>>> What I am doing: I have written a function that calls the MODIS
>>> HEGtools to read-in, stitch, and reproject the image into an Albers
>>> Equal Area Conic projection. The HEGtool has the capacity to subset
>>> the image, but the resulting subset image is not well rectified with
>>> the result one gets when stitching two full size images together
>>> (probably because of how I have defined projection parameters), so I
>>> am instead adding an extra step that resizes the image with the crop
>>> function, using a subset of the image that I created using ENVI.
>>> Here are the values for the crop image:
>>> crop.img
>>> class : RasterLayer
>>> filename : MOD250m_extenttemplate
>>> nrow : 6116
>>> ncol : 4200
>>> ncell : 25687200
>>> min value : ?
>>> max value : ?
>>> projection : +proj=aea +lat_1=-18 +lat_2=-32 +lat_0=-30 +lon_0=24
>>> +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs
>>> +nadgrids=@conus, at alaska, at ntv2_0.gsb, at ntv1_can.dat
>>> xmin : -120863.9
>>> xmax : 852092.8
>>> ymin : -497022.6
>>> ymax : 919787.6
>>> xres : 231.6564
>>> yres : 231.6564
>>> (Note the seemingly bizarre projection parameters, which is another
>>> story, and is created by the HEGtool, which is supposed to use WGS4,
>>> but instead seems to spit out NAD27).
>>> Now, after the crop function is run, my resulting cropped MODIS image
>>> ends up with the following parameters:
>>> raster(out.name)
>>> class : RasterLayer
>>> filename : MOD13Q1.A2005225.h20v11.mosaic4.NDVI.tif
>>> nrow : 6116
>>> ncol : 4200
>>> ncell : 25687200
>>> min value : ?
>>> max value : ?
>>> projection : +proj=aea +lat_1=-18 +lat_2=-32 +lat_0=-30 +lon_0=24
>>> +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs
>>> +nadgrids=@conus, at alaska, at ntv2_0.gsb, at ntv1_can.dat
>>> xmin : -120748.1
>>> xmax : 852208.6
>>> ymin : -496906.8
>>> ymax : 919903.5
>>> xres : 231.6564
>>> yres : 231.6564
>>> Looking at the xmins of the two images, -120863.9 - -120748.1 =
>>> -115.8, which is equal to half a pixel. Same for the ymaxs.
>>> So, is this an issue of where in the pixel raster assigns the UL
>>> reference coordinate, and, if so, is there a way to specify how the
>>> reference is being done? If not, am I doing something else wrong?
>>> Thanks in advance for any advice (function code follows).
>>> Cheers, Lyndon
>>> ModStitch <- function(modpath, hegpath, modnames, cropimage) {
>>> # Uses the HEGtool from MODIS LPDAAC to read in, stitch, and reproject
>>> the MODIS NDVI and VI quality bands
>>> # References: http://spatial-analyst.net/book/MODIS_download_HR.R
>>> # Args:
>>> # modpath: Path to directory holding MODIS data
>>> # hegpath: Path to the HEGtool installation
>>> # modnames: Vector containing MODIS image names to process
>>> # crop image: A raster defining the extent to which the images
>>> should be resized
>>> # Returns:
>>> # Separate stitched MODIS NDVI and VI Quality bands, reprojected to
>>> Albers Equal Area conic (for South
>>> # Africa), saved as a GEOtiff
>>> # Set tool and environment variables
>>> hegtool <- paste(hegpath, "/heg/bin/hegtool", sep = "")
>>> grd.stitch.tool <- paste(hegpath, "/heg/bin/subset_stitch_grid", sep = "")
>>> pgs.loc <- paste(hegpath, "/heg/TOOLKIT_MTD", sep = "")
>>> mrt.data.loc <- paste(hegpath, "/heg/data", sep = "")
>>> Sys.setenv(PGSHOME = pgs.loc) # Environment variable for HEGtool
>>> Sys.setenv(MRTDATADIR = mrt.data.loc) # Environment variable for HEGtool
>>> # Set path to MODIS data directory
>>> setwd(modpath)
>>> # And process the specified MODIS images using hegtool to capture
>>> header file information
>>> mod.list <- vector("list", length(modnames)) # List to capture
>>> header file output
>>> # Call crop image
>>> crop.img <- raster(cropimage)
>>> # Create and capture HegHdr.hdr files
>>> for (i in 1:length(mod.list)) {
>>> system(paste(hegtool, "-h", modnames[i]), intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE)
>>> mod.list[[i]] <- scan("HegHdr.hdr", what = "character", sep = "\n",)
>>> names(mod.list)[i] <- modnames[i]
>>> }
>>> # Then stitch and reproject both the NDVI layers and the error flag layers
>>> # Set up a couple of variables
>>> which.var <- c("250m 16 days NDVI|", "250m 16 days VI Quality|")
>>> which.abb <- c("NDVI", "qual")
>>> for(k in 1:length(which.var)) { # Loop through NDVI, then VI
>>> # First write the stitch parameters file
>>> # Stitch parameter file name
>>> pr.name <- paste("stitch_", k, ".prm", sep = "") # 1 = stitch
>>> for NDVI, 2 for VI quality
>>> out.name <- paste(substr(modnames[1], 1, 23), ".mosaic4.",
>>> which.abb[k],".tif", sep = "")
>>> # Open connection to write stitch file
>>> filename <- file(pr.name, open = "wt")
>>> write("", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("NUM_RUNS = 1", filename, append = TRUE) # Not sure if this
>>> needs to be a variable
>>> write("", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("BEGIN", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("NUMBER_INPUTFILES = 2",filename, append = TRUE) # Alter
>>> this if more than 1 file is to be stitched
>>> write(paste("INPUT_FILENAMES = ", modnames[1], "|", modnames[2],
>>> sep = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("OBJECT_NAME = MODIS_Grid_16DAY_250m_500m_VI|", filename,
>>> append = TRUE)
>>> write(paste("FIELD_NAME = ", which.var[k], sep = ""), filename,
>>> append = TRUE)
>>> write("BAND_NUMBER = 1", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> # Pulls coordinates for upper left from first header file
>>> write(paste("SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ", "( ",
>>> substr(mod.list[[1]][grep("GRID_UL_CORNER_LATLON=",
>>> mod.list[[1]])], 23, 48), " )", sep = ""),
>>> filename, append = TRUE)
>>> # Pulls coordinates for lower right from last header file
>>> write(paste("SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ", "( ",
>>> substr(mod.list[[length(mod.list)]][grep("GRID_LR_CORNER_LATLON=",
>>> mod.list[[length(mod.list)]])], 23, 48), " )", sep = ""),
>>> filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("OUTPUT_OBJECT_NAME = MODIS_Grid_16DAY_250m_500m_VI|",
>>> filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write(paste("OUTGRID_X_PIXELSIZE = ",
>>> substr(mod.list[[1]][grep("GRID_PIXEL_SIZE=",
>>> mod.list[[1]])], 17, 26), sep = ""),
>>> filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write(paste("OUTGRID_Y_PIXELSIZE = ",
>>> substr(mod.list[[1]][grep("GRID_PIXEL_SIZE=",
>>> mod.list[[1]])], 17, 26), sep = ""),
>>> filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write(paste("OUTPUT_FILENAME = ", out.name, sep = ""), filename,
>>> append = TRUE)
>>> write("SAVE_STITCHED_FILE = NO", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write(paste("OUTPUT_STITCHED_FILENAME = sasquatch", k, ".hdf", sep
>>> = ""), filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("OUTPUT_TYPE = GEO", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("RESAMPLING_TYPE = NN", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_TYPE = ALBERS", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 -18.0 -32.0 24.0
>>> 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )",
>>> filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("END", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> write("", filename, append = TRUE)
>>> close(filename)
>>> # Then call the stitch tool and process it
>>> stitch.com <- paste(grd.stitch.tool, "-P", pr.name)
>>> system(stitch.com) # Works
>>> # Then use Raster function to resize because subsetting with MODIS
>>> tool results in offset
>>> to.crop <- raster(out.name)
>>> cropped <- crop(to.crop, crop.img, filename = out.name, overwrite
>>> = TRUE) # Overwrites existing images
>>> } # Close loop
>>> } # End function
>>> ModStitch(modpath = path.ndvi.dat, hegpath = hegpath, modnames =
>>> modnames, cropimage = envi.img)
>>> --
>>> Lyndon Estes
>>> Research Associate
>>> Woodrow Wilson School
>>> Princeton University
>>> +1-609-258-2392 (o)
>>> +1-609-258-6082 (f)
>>> +1-202-431-0496 (m)
>>> lestes at princeton.edu
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> R-sig-Geo mailing list
>>> R-sig-Geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo
> --
> Lyndon Estes
> Research Associate
> Woodrow Wilson School
> Princeton University
> +1-609-258-2392 (o)
> +1-609-258-6082 (f)
> +1-202-431-0496 (m)
> lestes at princeton.edu
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