[R-sig-Geo] rgeos and Google Summer of Code

Colin Rundel rundel at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 03:25:43 CEST 2010

The rgeos package has been accepted as part of the Google Summer of Code and is currently under active development. Between myself and Roger Bivand we have made a good deal of progress and are very close to a point where the package will be usable (for the more adventurous). It is our goal to have a complete implementation of all GEOS functionality as well as replacement functions for gpclib (along with complete documentation and a vignette) by late august when the GSoC program ends.

There is currently a post introducing the package on the R GSoC blog at http://gsoc2010r.wordpress.com/ (which also has updates for other R GSoC projects). If you are interested in using this package in the near term additional updates and examples will be posted to the blog as development continues.

We are very much interested in suggestions, comments, bug reports, etc. and we would appreciate feedback of any kind.


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