[R-sig-Geo] One-to-many table relationship to shapefile polygon in spplot / plot - possible?

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Wed Jan 6 10:07:51 CET 2010

On Wed, 6 Jan 2010, Noli Sicad wrote:

>> Review ?reshape to convert to wide format before trying to merge into
>> your object for using spplot().
>> Roger
> OK. The answer is not possible.
> I have been studying reshape - cast and melt.  The illustration submit
> in my earlier post, can be easily done. But here is the real data
> (below) is bit harder.

If you start with reshape in the stats package, not the reshape package, 
it may be easier. Using reshape is always hard, but the wide format is 
what you need. There is no provision for one-to-many for spatial features.

> I have more problem deleting shapefile polygons that doesn't have data
> in dbf.  I am just learning to use R in the last weeks. I have to find
> some example script how to do polygon delete. I am reading sp package.
> Searching in the archives of various list.

You delete spatial features from a Spatial* or Spatial*DataFrame object in 
the usual way with the "[" operator. Just treat them as data.frame objects 
as a first approximation.


> Thanks, Noli
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Input data
> C_ID    CROP  Period    Age
> 83      SORI    1       31
> 84      SORI    1       32
> 85      SORI    1       33
> 86      SORI          1        34
> 82      SORI       2            28
> 83      SORI        2   29
> 84      SORI       2    30
> 93      SORM    2       35
> 62      OTRM    3       30
> 82      SORI        3      27
> 3       SORM    3       35
> 82      SORI    4       26
> 4       SORM    4       34
> 5       OTRI           5                25
> 5       OTRM    5       29
> 5       SORM    5       32
> 5       SORM    5       33
> 5       SORM    5       35
> 6       OTRI    6       22
> 6       OTRI         6       23
> 6       OTRI       6        24
> 6       OTRM    6       26
> 6       OTRM    6       27
> 6       OTRM    6       28
> 7       OTRM    7       26
> 8       OTRM    8       26
> 9       OTRM    9       26
> 10      OTRM    10      24
> 10      OTRM    10      25
> 10      OTRM    10      26
> 10      SORM    10      31
> Desired table
> C_ID    CROP    P 1     P 2     P 3     P 4     P 5     P 6     P 7
> P 8     P 9     P 10
> - Hide quoted text -
> 83      SORI      31
> 84      SORI      32
> 85      SORI      33
> 86      SORI      34
> 82      SORI            28
> 83      SORI            29
> 84      SORI            30
> 93      SORM            35
> 62      OTRM            30
> 82      SORI                    27
> 3       SORM                    35
> 82      SORI                            26
> 4       SORM                            34
> 5       OTRI                                    25
> 5       OTRM                                    29
> 5       SORM                                    32
> 5       SORM                                    33
> 5       SORM                                    35
> 6       OTRI                                            22
> 6       OTRI                                            23
> 6       OTRI                                            24
> 6       OTRM                                            26
> 6       OTRM                                            27
> 6       OTRM                                            28
> 7       OTRM                                                    26
> 8       OTRM                                                            26
> 9       OTRM
>         26
> 10      OTRM
>                 24
> 10      OTRM
>                 25
> 10      OTRM
>                 26
> 10      SORM
>                 31

Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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