[R-sig-Geo] export to .asc or .grd files

Carsten Neumann carstennh at aol.com
Tue Dec 21 12:21:49 CET 2010

  Am 20.12.2010 18:02, schrieb Maxime Pauwels:
> Hi list,
> I'm using the sp package to grid data. I'd now like to export the grid 
> in either .asc or .grd files. Does anyone can give me the package and 
> function that does it easily?
> Thanks,
> max
Hi Max,

library(raster); use with function: writeRaster("raster object", "name", 
format="ascii"); format="raster" for *.grd files

library(rgdal); use with function: writeGDAL("rgdal object", 
fname="name", drivername="AAIGrid"); use gdalDrivers() to identify your 
preferred drivername for *.grd

you certainly have to change your grid object to a raster object when 
using raster package.

All the best!


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