[R-sig-Geo] temporal interpolation with stackApply - seg fault

Michael Loranty mloranty at whrc.org
Thu Dec 2 23:24:33 CET 2010

Hello again...

I've successfully applied the previously discussed function over a  
raster stack using calc.  However, the process seems to choke on large  
data sets.  It ran successfully on a stack with nlayers: 13, nrow:  
119, ncol 1048 but aborted with the stack below.

Could this be a memory issue?  I'm not sure if this is on my end, or  
something to do with the function.

Many thanks,

 > day
class       : RasterStack
nlayers     : 13
nrow        : 508
ncol        : 3825
ncell       : 1943100
projection  : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs  
min value   : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
max value   : 65535 65535 65535 65535 65535 65535 65535 65535 65535  
65535 ...
extent      : -175.4283, -100.0055, 59.98306, 70  (xmin, xmax, ymin,  
resolution  : 0.01971838, 0.01971838  (x, y)

 > fill.LST <- function(x,na.rm = F){
+ x[x==0] <- NA
+ if(length(which(is.na(x)==F))>2){
+ fill <- approxfun(x, y=NULL, method='linear', rule=2)
+ rec <- which(is.na(x))
+ x[rec] <- fill(rec)
+ }
+ x <- (x*0.02)-273.15
+ return(x)
+ }

 > day.fill <- calc(day, fun=fill.LST, filename = "LST/ 

  *** caught segfault ***
address 0x1020, cause 'memory not mapped'

  1: .Call("RGDAL_PutRasterData", raster, rasterData,  
as.integer(offset),     PACKAGE = "rgdal")
  2: putRasterData(raster at file@transient, t(v), band = i, c(0, 0))
  3: .writeGDALall(x, filename = filename, format = filetype, ...)
  4: .local(x, filename, ...)
  5: writeRaster(x, filename, ...)
  6: writeRaster(x, filename, ...)
  7: .local(x, fun, ...)
  8: calc(day, fun = fill.LST, filename = "LST/day.LST.h12v02.2005.tif")
  9: calc(day, fun = fill.LST, filename = "LST/day.LST.h12v02.2005.tif")

 > sessionInfo()
R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] spatial_7.3-1 raster_1.7-5  rgdal_0.6-28  sp_0.9-66

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.10.0     lattice_0.17-26

Michael Loranty Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Woods Hole Research Center
149 Woods Hole Rd
Falmouth, MA 02540
mloranty at whrc.org

On Dec 1, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Robert J. Hijmans wrote:

> Michael,
> I think that is because of a difference in versions. The error should
> go away with a more recent version of 'raster'. You can get one from
> R-Forge:  install.packages("raster",
> repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
> The current version on CRAN, 1.6-22, has some glitches, and I just
> uploaded version 1.7-6 to CRAN. This version should be available for
> install from there within 24 hrs.
> Robert
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Michael Loranty <mloranty at whrc.org>  
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the quick response, Robert.
>> I hadn't realized I was misusing the stackApply. For some reason  
>> I'm getting
>> a similar error with calc.  I don't know how to look at the function
>> definition for calc to diagnose further.
>> Best,
>> Mike
>>> r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
>>> r[]=1:ncell(r)
>>> s <- brick(r,flip(r,direction = "x"),flip(r,direction =
>>> "y"),r,flip(r,direction = "y"),flip(r,direction = "x"))
>>> set.NA <- function(x, na.rm = T){x[x==18] <- NA; return(x)}
>>> s <- stackApply(s,fun = set.NA, indices = 1:nlayers(s))
>>> fill.NA <- function(x,na.rm = F){
>> +                       fill <- approxfun(x, y = NULL, method =  
>> 'linear',
>> rule = 2);
>> +                       new <- fill(1:length(x));
>> +                       rec <- which(is.na(x));
>> +                       x[rec] <- new[rec];
>> +                       return(x)
>> +                       }
>>> ss < - calc(s,fun=fill.NA)
>> Error in approxfun(x, y = NULL, method = "linear", rule = 2) :
>>  need at least two non-NA values to interpolate
>>> s[13]
>> [1] 13 NA 83 13 83 NA
>>> fill.NA(s[13])
>> [1] 13 48 83 13 83 83
>> Michael Loranty Ph.D.
>> Postdoctoral Fellow
>> The Woods Hole Research Center
>> 149 Woods Hole Rd
>> Falmouth, MA 02540
>> 508.444.1560
>> mloranty at whrc.org
>> On Dec 1, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Robert J. Hijmans wrote:
>>> Michael,
>>> Thanks for sending an good self-contained example. If you use
>>> stackApply with layers=1:nlayers you are requesting that the  
>>> function
>>> should be applied to each layer separately. That is OK for the first
>>> case (set.NA) although 'calc' would be more direct. But it does not
>>> for fill.NA, because that function needs the values of all layers  
>>> in a
>>> single computations. In this case you must use calc. The below  
>>> works:
>>> r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
>>> r[] <- 1:ncell(r)
>>> s <- stack(r,flip(r,direction = "x"),flip(r,direction =
>>> "y"),r,flip(r,direction = "y"),flip(r,direction = "x"))
>>> set.NA <- function(x, na.rm = T){x[x==18] <- NA; return(x)}
>>> s <- calc(s, fun=set.NA)
>>> fill.NA <- function(x,na.rm = F){
>>>   fill <- approxfun(x, y = NULL, method = 'linear', rule = 2)
>>>   rec <- which(is.na(x))
>>>   x[rec] <- fill(rec)
>>>   return(x)
>>> }
>>> ss <- calc(s,fun=fill.NA)
>>> Best, Robert
>>> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Michael Loranty  
>>> <mloranty at whrc.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I have a raster stack, that represents a time series of temperature
>>>> observations, and would like to interpolate temporally to fill  
>>>> gaps in
>>>> the
>>>> data. That is, to apply a gap-filling function across all layers  
>>>> in a
>>>> stack,
>>>> pixel by pixel. My hope was to accomplish this using stackApply,  
>>>> however
>>>> this doesn't seem to work. The reason seems to be associated with  
>>>> how the
>>>> data are handled within stackApply which is based upon the type of
>>>> function
>>>> that is used.
>>>> Has anyone else encountered a similar problem or come up with a  
>>>> solution?
>>>> It
>>>> seems to me that it may not be too difficult to make a a function  
>>>> to do
>>>> this
>>>> based upon few minor adjustments to the current raster function.  
>>>> A simple
>>>> example is below.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Mike
>>>>> r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
>>>>> r[]=1:ncell(r)
>>>>> s <- brick(r,flip(r,direction = "x"),flip(r,direction =
>>>>> "y"),r,flip(r,direction = "y"),flip(r,direction = "x"))
>>>>> set.NA <- function(x, na.rm = T){x[x==18] <- NA; return(x)}
>>>>> s <- stackApply(s,fun = set.NA, indices = 1:nlayers(s))
>>>>> fill.NA <- function(x,na.rm = F){
>>>> +                       fill <- approxfun(x, y = NULL, method =  
>>>> 'linear',
>>>> rule = 2);
>>>> +                       new <- fill(1:length(x));
>>>> +                       rec <- which(is.na(x));
>>>> +                       x[rec] <- new[rec];
>>>> +                       return(x)
>>>> +                       }
>>>>> s < - stackApply(s,fun=fill.NA,indices = 1:nlayers(s))
>>>> Error in approxfun(x, y = NULL, method = "linear", rule = 2) :
>>>>  need at least two non-NA values to interpolate
>>>>> sessionInfo()
>>>> R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)
>>>> x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0
>>>> other attached packages:
>>>> [1] rgdal_0.6-27  raster_1.6-22 sp_0.9-72
>>>> Michael Loranty Ph.D.
>>>> Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>> The Woods Hole Research Center
>>>> 149 Woods Hole Rd
>>>> Falmouth, MA 02540
>>>> 508.444.1560
>>>> mloranty at whrc.org
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