[R-sig-Geo] point process panel regression?
Adrian.Baddeley at csiro.au
Adrian.Baddeley at csiro.au
Fri Apr 30 06:00:33 CEST 2010
Ted Rosenbaum <ted.rosenbaum at yale.edu> wrote:
> I am looking to estimate a model using a MLE model of an inhomogenous
> Poisson point process (using ppm) in spatstat. I have data on points that
> span many years (panel data) and I am looking to estimate a model where
> I can have the same coefficients for covariates for all years, but have
> different values of the covariates (points in space) for each year
> (basically run a traditional panel data regression, but for a point
> process), and allow for differing mean intensity by year (ie a year "fixed
> effect"). Is there a way to do this in spatstat (or another simple way to
> do it, without needing to code up the MLE and accompanying integral by
> myself).
In a forthcoming version of spatstat it will be possible to do this seamlessly. (The code already exists but is not yet released.)
For now, the simplest way to do this is to attach a mark to each point representing the year. Make sure that the mark is a factor. Then for each covariate, construct a function with arguments (x,y,year) that extracts the value of the covariate at location (x,y) in the given year. These functions should be in the global environment. Then fit a model using these covariate functions.
# make some point data
X2001 <- runifpoint(42)
X2002 <- runifpoint(30)
# make some covariate images
pH2001 <- density(runifpoint(17))
pH2002 <- density(runifpoint(20))
# tweak
X <- superimpose("2001"=X2001, "2002"=X2002)
pH <- function(x,y,year) {
ifelse(year == "2001", pH2001[cbind(x,y)], pH2002[cbind(x,y)] )
# go
ppm(X, ~marks + pH(x,y,marks))
In the model formula, the first term 'marks' gives you the fixed effect for each year. A typical result is:
Nonstationary multitype Poisson process
Possible marks:
2001 2002
Trend formula: ~marks + pH(x, y, marks)
Fitted coefficients for trend formula:
(Intercept) marks2002 pH(x, y, marks)
3.852512251 -0.308405720 -0.006997323
So the fixed effect estimates are 3.85 for 2001, and 3.85-0.31 = 3.54 for 2002, while the (year-independent) coefficient of the pH covariate is -0.007.
You can also do things like
ppm(X, ~marks + polynom(pH(x,y,marks), 3))
to get a cubic function of the pH covariate.
Adrian Baddeley
Prof Adrian Baddeley (UWA/CSIRO)
CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics & Statistics
Leeuwin Centre, 65 Brockway Road, Floreat WA 6014, Australia
Tel: 08 9333 6177 | Fax: 08 9333 6121 | Mob: 0410 447 821
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