[R-sig-Geo] memory limit...

Horacio Samaniego horacio.samaniego at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 18:07:20 CEST 2010

I'm trying to import a grass raster using

a = paste("prec",1:12,sep="")
prec = readRAST6(a)

this usually will create a SpatialGridDataFrame object width my 12
grass rasters in the 'data' slot.

Howvere, I'm running intospace limitations in spite of having 8GB of
Ram and large HD at the disposition of the CPU (2.9GHz Quad-Core)

I have tryed will little succed to star R with several flags to
increase the memory. But I recognize to be lost in what part of the
problem is due to the linux OS and which to R.

Could anyone give me some guidelines on how to provide more memory to
import raster maps under the sp model?

will summarize!


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