[R-sig-Geo] assigning raster cell values based on predefined criteria

Robert J. Hijmans r.hijmans at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 18:55:51 CEST 2010

Dear Roman,

I think it depends on your data. Below are two examples (both assuming
your polygons do not overlap).

A) works if each cell in a polygon is closest to its own centroid (and
not that of another polygon). It makes a distance surface with
distanceFromPoints() and then uses mask() to mask out the areas not
covered by polygons.

B) uses linesToRaster() to set up a raster with impenetrable
boundaries (the polygon outlines) and then use gridDistance()  (i.e.
the distance when only allowed to traverse certain cells). This method
would fail if you have a polygon representing several islands; or a
polygon with a hole with the centroid inside that hole. Also, you do
not have values for the outer cells of a polygon. This is perhaps OK
when polygons are adjacent (whose cell is it anyway?). If they are not
adjacent yo could use edge() with 'outer' argument on the rasterized
polygons instead of linesToRaster

p1 <- rbind(c(-180,-20), c(-140,55), c(-20, 0), c(-140,-60), c(-180,-20))
hole <- rbind(c(-150,-20), c(-100,-10), c(-110,20), c(-150,-20))
p2 <- rbind(c(-10,0), c(140,60), c(160,0), c(140,-55), c(-10,0))
pols <- SpatialPolygons( list(  Polygons(list(Polygon(p1)), 1),
Polygons(list(Polygon(p2)), 2)))
xy <- coordinates(pols)

r <- raster(nrow=18, ncol=36)
r <- polygonsToRaster(pols, r)
d <- distanceFromPoints(r, xy)
x <- mask(d, r)

r <- raster(nrow=18, ncol=36)
r <- polygonsToRaster(pols, r)
l <- linesToRaster(pols, r)
l[l>0] <- 0
p <- pointsToRaster(r, xy)
pp <- cover(p, l)
gd <- gridDistance(pp)
gd[!is.na(l)] <- NA


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Roman Luštrik <roman.lustrik at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have a polygon that I converted to raster (kudos to polygonsToRaster()). I
> would like to assign values (through a custom function) to cells within this
> polygon (now as raster). Roughly speaking, cell value will depend on its
> distance from the central cell (polygon centroid). How would you go about
> doing this? Is there a more efficient way of doing this, or will I have to
> hard code it, cell by cell?
> Cheers,
> Roman
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