[R-sig-Geo] Updated repository of worldmaps (300MB of data at 5km resolution)
Tomislav Hengl
hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Fri Apr 16 10:11:04 CEST 2010
FYI: I have now fixed small errors and added few more layers (SOC, LSTD/LSTN, airroute) to the 5 km repository of worldmaps. You can browse the maps available in this repository from:
*for a data description look at: http://spatial-analyst.net/worldmaps/README.txt
*thumbnail images available at: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Publicly_available_global_data_sets
The complete article is available at:
*Loads somewhat slower because of the large amount of PNG images.
Some visualizations using Google Maps/Earth can be found under e.g.:
Google Maps with ground overlay: http://spatial-analyst.net/worldmaps/PCEVI1.htm
Google Earth preview: http://spatial-analyst.net/worldmaps/worldmaps.kml
Coming autumn I plan to prepare these maps in higher (1 km) resolution. In fact, most of the maps I already have in the 1 km resolution - the problem is where/in which format to put them (I need at least 5GB of webspace). Then, I will also consider putting the maps into some raster-type data base format such as WKT Raster or Rasdaman (possibly also build closer links with some R package e.g. "raster", "geonames", "maps" etc.), and make procedures to rescale/tile the maps automatically.
All comment/corrections are welcome.
T. Hengl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-sig-geo-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch [mailto:r-sig-geo-
> bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Tomislav Hengl
> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 3:54 PM
> To: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Cc: Caspar.Hallmann at sovon.nl; bob.macmillan at wur.nl; 'Batjes, Niels'
> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] Updated repository of worldmaps (300MB of data at 5km
> resolution)
> Dear R-sig-geo,
> FYI: I have just updated the small repository of publicly available data sets of
> interest for global modeling/mapping that I have launched about a year ago. This
> now contains 62 layers at resolution of 0.05 arcdegrees and with a complete world
> coverage (it use to be 65S-65N only). The data is available for download at
> [http://spatial-analyst.net/worldmaps/]. Each layer comes with a raster
> description file *.rdc, which typically has the same name as the attached layer
> (description of the fields is available in the [http://spatial-
> analyst.net/worldmaps/README.txt]). The raster description file includes also a
> link to an R script that (should) show all processing steps from download to
> export of maps (I advise you to run the scripts step by step because the data
> sets are usually Huge). If you want to read more about what is all available on
> this repository (and outside), please read the complete article [http://spatial-
> analyst.net/wiki/index.php?title=Global_datasets]. You can !
> also browse a gallery of worldmaps from here:
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Publicly_available_global_data_sets#
> Note that some maps have limited geographical coverage (e.g. PCEVI, GLC2000),
> which usually means that the data for polar regions is missing.
> In about 2-3 weeks, I will tidy up the small errors and finalize the maps and
> metadata. If you think that I have maybe missed some important (publicly
> available) layers, please let me know. For example, I have tried to include also
> the map of airline flight paths from
> [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:World_airline_routes.png], but could not
> determine coordinate system, lineage etc. I am sure that there is much more what
> is available (on and off the web), but I would at least try to be representative.
> My next project will be to prepare the 1 km data (about 70% of maps listed are
> available also in this resolution) and put them into some database format such as
> WKT raster or rasdaman. This way anybody will be able to overlay point, line,
> polygon features and fetch only the results of queries from the server. But it
> looks as this will take more time than I have initially anticipated.
> Many of the layers listed (cca 20-30%) are simply resampled and reformatted maps
> that are already available from the original providers (e.g. pcclim, GLC2000,
> himpact etc.). The great majority of maps are basically original layers that you
> will not be able to find elsewhere. For example, PCEVI1 is the 1st Principal
> Component of the total time-series of monthly MODIS EVI bands (this image
> basically shows the average long-term 'biomass' in the world). If you wish to
> cite some of the maps I have prepared, then you should refer to the chapter #4 in
> my book [http://spatial-analyst.net/book/DataSources], otherwise I advise you to
> refer to the original data providers.
> Each *.rdc file contains information about the data source, including the link to
> where you can find the source data and peer-reviewed publication that describes
> the dataset.
> Personally, I find it frustrating that there are several global mapping projects
> in the world that overlap (for example, there are at least four global land cover
> maps!). In some cases I solve the problem by simply taking the average (e.g.
> globedem is a an average between two maps), but the categorical maps cannot be
> average as easy. My second frustration are the license and copyright problems.
> Some data producers (usually the USA mapping agencies) have a very clear policy
> and even support copying and distribution of the maps they produce (provided that
> the source is acknowledged); others (e.g. himpacts) are not really clear. I am
> only interested in processing and organizing the publicly available data.
> Going from 10 km to 5 km resolution brought me to many technical headaches. Just
> to download the input data takes about one week (the input data I used to
> generate the 62 layers, now of size 300MB, is about 500GB!). Each layer now has
> cca 26M pixels, which will obviously lead to many memory and computational limit
> problems. For example, I doubt it that you will be able to load these data into R
> on a standard PC (2-4GB RAM) or visualize the maps using spplot. I also tried to
> derive some DEM parameters such as SAGA TWI, height above channel channels etc,
> but the maps are simply too big (processing takes >24 hours), so it is very
> likely that you will also face memory limit and computational problems on your
> computers. PS: I used a Dell 2.8GHz with dual processor and 64Bit Window XP OS
> with 4GB of RAM to run processing, and this configuration was already on the
> edge.
> I am really thankful to Frank Warmerdam and colleagues for providing excellent
> utilities [http://www.gdal.org/gdal_utilities.html] which I heavily used to
> prepare the maps. I actually did run a small comparison between the gdalwarp
> utility and Erdas Imagine and ArcGIS and discovered that gdal utilities are (1)
> faster and (2) more easy to script (+ you have a support for proj4 strings and
> largest family of GIS data formats). The second on my list was SAGA GIS, which
> can also crunch Huge data (up to 2GB) and has a large library of GIS operations.
> I highly recommend these two programs and would support further development very
> much. In some cases, I could not find any functionality for the analysis in gdal
> utilities and SAGA, so I used ILWIS GIS (e.g. to run principle component analysis
> and to extract density of lines and point features). Unfortunately linking of R
> and ILWIS is not as smooth, so I often finished running part of the analysis in
> ILWIS separately. This is just an !
> important information for the people that will focus only on using the R
> scripts.
> I am looking forward to your feedback and further comments.
> A copy of this mail in html format (you can insert comments below) is also
> available here:
> http://spatial-analyst.net/book/updated_worldmaps
> yours,
> T. Hengl
> http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/t.hengl/
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