[R-sig-Geo] Adding miniature plots at specific locations on a map

Virgilio Gómez-Rubio Virgilio.Gomez at uclm.es
Mon Apr 5 10:37:51 CEST 2010


You could also check the book "R Graphics" by Paul Murrell. You can see
an example of a map (of Australia) with some other graphs on it here:


He also provides the source code.

Hope this helps,


El dom, 04-04-2010 a las 18:27 -0500, Euan Reavie escribió: 
> Hello all. I have plotted a map of the Great Lakes using maptools:
> > lakes <- readShapePoly('C:/grtlakes/',proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
> > plot(lakes, xlim=c(-93.5,-74.5),ylim=c(41,49.5),lwd=3,new=TRUE)
> Now I want to plot small scatterplots relative to several sample
> locations on the map. After an afternoon of trying I have not been
> able to find a way to do this using a matrix of lat/long data (sample
> locations). I was hoping I could implement something similar to the
> "floating.pie" command in the plotrix package, except for scatter
> plots. For an example of what I'm trying to do (using line plots) see
> Fig. 1 in:
> http://epa.gov/glnpo/monitoring/publications/articles/laurentian_II.pdf
> At this point I'm not concerned about crowding. If I can simply place
> the small plots on a map I can figure out crowding issues later. Is
> there a package that can do this, or can I work with the base package?
> At this point, if i could figure out a way to assign lat/long
> coordinates to a simple plot like:
> > plot(sample(10,10,10))
> ...I would be happy. Any recommendations for packages, etc. would be welcome.
> -Euan
> University of Minnesota Duluth.
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