[R-sig-Geo] DEMs
Tomislav Hengl
hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Tue Sep 15 09:45:05 CEST 2009
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aben Woha [mailto:abenwoha at gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 7:52 AM
> To: Tomislav Hengl
> Cc: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] DEMs
> Hi Tomislav,
> Thanks for the detailed response. I tried to use the globedem.zip from your website, but then
> when I call overlay() with my data, there are many NAs produced in the output: it seems the DEM
> covers X= -180 to 180 & Y= -65 to 65, my dataset covers X= -180 to 180 & Y= -90 to 90
> So when I call krige, it complains:
> Error: dimensions do not match: locations 129600 and data 47029
> 129600 = (number of sample points) * 2
> 47029 = (number of sample points) - (number of NAs in overlay dem data)
> Any suggestions on how to handle this? Should I subset the data? Find a different dem with full
> global coverage?
You should mask the NA values prior to variogram fitting using e.g.:
> sel <- !is.na(point.ov$SOLAR)
> plot(variogram(SOLAR~1, point.ov[sel,]))
SRTM DEM is available only for 56°S to 60°N. The 10 minutes global DEM (GTOPO?) at is probably your
best choice then (it is 2160 x 900 pixels):
http://biogeo.berkeley.edu/worldclim1_4/grid/cur/alt_10m_bil.zip (metadata missing :( )
> Also when you say a global dataset <5km resolution, is that as measured at the equator?
Yes. The ETOPO1 (10 km) DEM is 3600 x 1300 pixels, which is already on the edge of what R can
handle. There is also the GDEM (ASTER DEM, which has global coverage), but nobody yet produced a
single layer (e.g. at resolution of 1 km).
> The current variable I am working with is solar radiation. I have plans to work on several other
> variables as well.
But do you need to produce maps of solar radiation for artics/antartica, sea etc? Besides, plenty of
global solar radiation maps already exist e.g.:
1. http://www.meteonorm.com/pages/en/downloads/maps.php
2. http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/countries/europe.htm
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 1:58 AM, Tomislav Hengl <hengl at spatial-analyst.net> wrote:
> Hi Abe,
> Did you try using the ETOPO1? This (0.1 degree) DEM can be well loaded to R:
> > URL <- "http://spatial-analyst.net/worldmaps/"
> # list of maps:
> > map.list <- c("globedem", "chlo08", "dcoast")
> # download the zipped maps one by one:
> > for(i in 1:length(map.list)) {
> > download.file(paste(URL, map.list[i], ".zip", sep=""),
> + destfile=paste(getwd(), "/", map.list[i], ".zip", sep=""))
> > unzip(zipfile=paste(map.list[i], ".zip", sep=""), exdir=getwd())
> > unlink(paste(map.list[i], ".zip", sep=""))
> > }
> # read maps to R:
> > worldmaps <- readGDAL(paste(map.list[i], ".asc", sep=""))
> # fix the layer name:
> > names(worldmaps)[1] <- map.list[1]
> > for(i in map.list[-1]) {
> > worldmaps at data[map.list[i]] <- readGDAL(paste(map.list[i], ".asc",
> sep=""))$band1
> > }
> > proj4string(meuse.grid) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
> I do not think that it will be easy to generate kriging with any global
> dataset that is <5 km resolution. You could try using the kriging in SAGA
> (it can handle maps up to 2 GB in size; it is exp(2) times faster than R).
> Here is an example:
> http://spatial-analyst.net/wiki/index.php?title=Interpolation_of_ISRIC-
> WISE_international_soil_profile_data
> T. Hengl
> PS: Which variable are you interpolating?
> > Hello All,
> >
> > My questions are regarding the best way to obtain DEMs for the entire
> > globe. I am trying to krige a dataset of global scope. The dataset has
> > points at all latitude/longitude intersects and so there are 64,800 sample
> > points. The problem that I am having is that the DEMs I have been using
> > are
> > too large (memory) to be used as R variables. I also have had trouble
> > finding a way to download DEMs for the entire globe.
> >
> > 1. Given the size of my sample dataset: What is the maximum resolution of
> > DEM that I should be using? Do I only need values at prediction points or
> > will higher res yield higher accuracy?
> >
> > 2. Is there a way to programmatically access DEMs using GDAL or R in
> > general? ie. internally or through integration with McIDAS, NetCDF, etc.
> >
> > 3. Do I need to break the DEMs and sample dataset into smaller tiles to
> > avoid the memory issues? If so how do I do that in R / GDAL?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Abe
> >
> > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
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