[R-sig-Geo] Multiple variograms in one graph

Edzer Pebesma edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Thu Sep 3 18:11:19 CEST 2009

ageel bushara wrote:
> Dear all,
> Â 
> I’m a new user of R. I
> have two plots of variograms. Each plot shows the experimental variograms with its
> fitted theoretical variograms. I would like to have the two plots in one graph
> (all experimental and theoretical variograms will be in one graph). How can I
> do it?
easiest to use basic plot:

v1 = variogram(log(zinc)~1,meuse)
v2 = variogram(log(cadmium)~1,meuse)
m1 = fit.variogram(v1, vgm(1, "Sph", 800, 1))
m2 = fit.variogram(v2, vgm(1, "Sph", 800, 1))
plot(gamma~dist, v2, ylim = c(0, 1.05*max(v2$gamma)),col='red', ylab =
'semivariance', xlab = 'distance')
lines(variogramLine(m2, 1500), col='red')
points(gamma~dist, v1, col='blue')
lines(variogramLine(m1, 1500), col='blue')

> Â 
> Thanks,
> Ageel
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Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster
Weseler Straße 253, 48151 Münster, Germany. Phone: +49 251
8333081, Fax: +49 251 8339763 http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de/
http://www.springer.com/978-0-387-78170-9 e.pebesma at wwu.de

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