[R-sig-Geo] help using irregular polygons R with spatstat package
Raya A. Pruner
rpruner at ufl.edu
Sat Oct 17 21:19:24 CEST 2009
I'm trying to test for conspecific attraction with snowy plovers,
in other words, aggregation in response to successful nest fates.
I have nest locations, fates, and polygons of potential nesting
habitat. The polygons of potential habitat are from barrier
islands in Florida. Most of the polygons are ~7km in length and
200-300m wide. All data was read into R as shapefiles created
with ArcMap 9.2.
I have loaded the following libraries in R: sp, rgdal, spatstat,
and maptools.
I've used essentially the following code (substituting my actual
boundary=readOGR(dsn="polygon.shp",layer= "polygon")
nests=readOGR(dsn="nest.location.shp", layer="nest.location")
All script works fine except for the last line. When I run this
one, I get the following error:
Error in as.ppp.SpatialPoints(nest.points, W = boundary.owin) :
unused argument(s) (W = list(type = "polygonal", xrange =
Does anyone know what this error message means? And suggestions
on what I can/should do????
Raya A Pruner - Graduate Student
University of Florida
Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
PO Box 110430
Gainesville, FL 32611-0430
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