[R-sig-Geo] passing SQL through readOGR()

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Tue Oct 13 20:05:17 CEST 2009

On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Tom Gottfried wrote:

> Hi list,
> is there a way to pass any SQL-statement through readOGR (as with the 
> -sql Option to ogr2ogr). I want to import a subset of a large dataset 
> from PostGIS into R. I know it's possible with for example RODBC and 
> then coercing the resulting data.frame to an sp-class, but I wonder if I 
> can do it directly through readOGR().

No, not implemented. Please use ogr2ogr externally for this, implementing 
it internally would be duplicating code.


> Thanks!
> Tom
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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