[R-sig-Geo] local R2

Eda Laze edalaze at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 12:51:24 CET 2009


I am currectly using gwr in R to get local R2. I have a shape file -
polygon data.
When I write codes as below: case 1 and 2, I get two different Local
R2 values and maps:

case1.adpt<-gwr(FCHA~PAC1+PAC2+PAC6, data=filename,
coords=cbind(filename$X, filename$Y), adapt= 0.01, longlat=TRUE).
case2.adpt<-gwr(FCHA~PAC1+PAC2+PAC6, data=filename,
coords=cbind(filename$X, filename$Y), adapt= 0.01, hatmatrix = TRUE,
se.fit=TRUE). Local R2 have different values from case 1 and map is
different as well.

Furthermore, when I visualize case 1: i.e., local R2 on map, each
polygon has a certain value and responding color while in case 2: map
shows clustering of Local R2 (values) similar to Georgia case study.
However, I wonder why this happen and which is the right way to get
local R2.

I read spgwr manual and update. Though an accurate answer is very welcome.

Thank you.

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